Tampa Bay Rays pitcher David Price lashed out at MLB analysts Dirk Hayhurst
and Tom Verducci for being critical of him on TBS’ postgame show Saturday
David Price怒呛TBS赛后讲评
Price allowed seven runs over seven innings in the Rays’ 7-4 ALDS Game 2
loss to the Boston Red Sox on Saturday. According to Turner PR, Hayhurst said
on TBS that Price should have been pulled from the game earlier.
“This is the playoffs, you can’t take any chances. He was out there past
his prime. He should’ve come out sooner.”
Price在第二战被炸了七分 TBS球评Hayhurst表示应该要早点换下Price
"这是季后赛 不能有任何闪失 他的战斗力已经下滑了 应该要早点下来"
Whatever else Hayhurst and Verducci said must have ticked off Price, because
the pitcher ripped the analysts via Twitter:
Dirk Hayhurst...COULDNT hack it...Tom Verducci wasn't even a water boy in
high school...but yet they can still bash a player...SAVE IT NERDS
David Price在推特上怒呛
"Dirk Hayhurst 根本杂鱼 Tom Verducci高中连送水的都不是 但他们却可以批评球员