DM24Tim (carpe diem)
2013-09-10 20:07:31Once again, the regular season seems headed toward an exciting ending, with
playoff spots not decided until the final day.
Or beyond.
With an extra Wild Card up for grabs this year, there are even more
opportunities for there to be teams deadlocked when the last out of the last
game is made on Sunday, Sept. 29. With that in mind, Major League Baseball
has released tiebreaker scenarios in case two, three or even four teams are
If just one game is needed to settle the issue, it will tentatively be played
on Monday, Sept. 30. That applies to determining the division championship
whether or not the losing team would still qualify as a Wild Card.
2013球季将在美国时间9/29结束 如果外卡一二名还没办法在那时决定
就要在9/30加赛一场 10/1才打NLWC
如果分区前两名战绩相同 也要在9/30打一场定生死决定冠军 再打外卡季后赛
For example, if the Pirates and Cardinals end up with identical records at
the top of the NL Central, but both clubs would make the postseason
regardless, the winner of their extra game would be declared the division
winner while the loser would have to play in the sudden death Wild Card
playoff game.
举例来说 如果国联中区的结果是海盗跟红雀战绩相同
尽管两队都进了季后赛 不过要加赛一场 胜者为冠军 败者打外卡殊死战
Homefield advantage is determined first by head-to-head records, then by the
higher winning percentage in intradivision games. If a further tie-breaker is
needed it's the best winning percentage in the last half of intraleague games.
1. 对战成绩决定
2. 对该区战绩决定
3. 该联盟后半球季赛程胜率决定
(球季162场 跨联盟20场 同联盟142场 也就是看最后71场胜率)
The same format will be used if two teams tie for the division and also tie
for both available wild card spots. The two division teams would play each
other on Monday with the winner being named division champion and the loser
meeting the other team in the Wild Card playoff.
It's also possible that two additional games could be needed before the
playoff teams are seeded. In that case, they would tentatively be played on
Monday and Tuesday. Here's a summary of the possibilities:
如果有超过两队的战绩相同 那就需要两天来加赛
Determining Home-Field Advantage in Two-Team Tiebreakers
1. Head-to-head winning percentage during the 2013 regular season.
2. Higher winning percentage in intradivision games.
3. Higher winning percentage in the last half of intraleague games.
4. Higher winning percentage in the last half plus one intraleague game,
provided that such additional game was not between the two tied clubs.
Continue to go back one intraleague game at a time until the tie has been
1. 球季对战决定
2. 对该组战绩决定
3. 该联盟球季后半赛程的胜率决定
4. 该联盟球季后半赛程再加前一场的胜率决定(前提是那一场不是平手的两队交手)
然后一直往前一场比 直到比出胜负为止
Determining A, B, C Designations in Three-Team Tiebreakers
※三队战绩相同时 tiebreak比的是"选择权" 而非主场优势
1. All Three Clubs Have Identical Records Against One Another
‧ Club with highest winning percentage among three tied clubs in
intradivision games chooses its designation, followed by the team with the
next highest winning percentage in intradivision games. If any two of the
clubs have identical winning percentages, then then the two-Club tiebreak
rules will break that tie. If all three Clubs have identical winning
percentages, then;
‧ Club with the highest winning percentage in the last half of intraleague
games chooses its designation, followed by the team with the next highest
winning percentage in intraleague games. If any two of the clubs have
identical winning percentages, then then the two-Club tiebreak rules will
break that tie. If all three Clubs have identical winning percentages, then;
‧ Club with the highest winning percentage in the last half plus one
intraleague game, provided that such additional game was not between any of
the tied Clubs, chooses its designation, followed by the team with the next
highest winning percentage in the last half plus one intraleague game.
Continue to go back one intraleague game at a time until the tie has been
如果三队战绩相同且彼此对战胜率相同 就要比对球队所属各区的胜率决定
要是有任两队对同区的胜率相同 那就参照上面的两队tiebreak规则继续比
如果三队对该区的胜率都相同 就比该联盟后半赛程胜率
要是有任两队的胜率相同 就用上面的规则继续比
如果三队该联盟后半赛程胜率都相同 就往该联盟的前一场比
2. Three Clubs Do Not Have Identical Records Against One Another
‧ If Club 1 has a better record against Clubs 2 and 3, and Club 2 has a
better record against Club 3, then Club 1 chooses its designation, followed
by Club 2.
‧ If Club 1 has a better record against Clubs 2 and 3, and Club 2 and 3 have
identical records against one another, then Club 1 chooses its designation.
Clubs 2 and 3 would follow the two-Club tiebreak rules to break their tie to
pick the next designation.
‧ If Club 1 and 2 have identical records against one another, but each has a
better record against Club 3, then Clubs 1 and 2 would follow the two-Club
tiebreak rules to break their tie to pick the first designation.
如果A对BC的对战都较佳 B对战赢C 那就是A>B>C(A拥有优先选择权 其次是B)
如果A对BC的对战都较佳 BC对战平手 就用两队tiebreak
如果AB对C的对战都较佳 AB对战平手 也用两队tiebreak
‧ If Club 1 has a better record against Club 2, Club 2 has a better record
against Club 3, and Club 3 has a better record against Club 1; OR Club 1 has
a better record against Club 2, Club 2 and 3 have identical records against
one another and Club 3 has a better record against Club 1; OR Club 1 and 2
have identical records against one another, Club 1 has a better record
against Club 3 and Club 2 and 3 have identical records against one another,
如果A对战赢B B对战赢C C对战赢A
或A对战赢B BC对战平手 C对战赢A
或AB对战平手 A对战赢C BC对战平手
a. The Clubs will be ranked by their overall winning percentage amongst the
other Clubs combined. The Club with the highest overall winning percentage in
that group chooses its designation, followed by the team with the next
highest overall winning percentage.
b. If two of the Clubs have identical winning percentages, then they would
follow the two-Club tiebreak rules to break their tie to pick their
c. If all three teams have identical winning percentages, then the tiebreak
rules above (No. 1) for three clubs having identical records against one
another should be followed.
则 1. 用对上其他两队的总胜率来排顺序
2. 如果有两队的"对其他两队总胜率"相同 则用两队tiebreak
3. 如果三队"队其他两队总胜率"皆相同 就用三队tiebreak
(即先比各区胜率 再比联盟后半赛程)
Determining A, B, C, D Designations in Four-Team Tiebreakers
1. The Club with the highest winning percentage in games among the tied Clubs
chooses its designation first, followed by the Club with the second-highest
winning percentage and the Club with the third-highest winning percentage. If
two Clubs have identical winning percentages, then the two-Club tiebreak
rules shall apply to determine which team selects its designation first. If
three Clubs have identical winning percentages, then the three-Club tiebreak
rules shall apply to determine which teams select their designation first. If
all four Clubs have identical winning percentages, then;
1. 四队战绩相同时 就比对战其他三队的总胜率
2. 如果其他两队的胜率相同 则用两队tiebreak
3. 如果其中三队的胜率相同 就用三队tiebreak
2. The Club with the highest winning percentage in intradivision games
chooses its designation first, followed by the Club with the second-highest
winning percentage and the Club with the third-highest winning percentage. If
two Clubs have identical winning percentages, then the two-Club tiebreak
rules shall apply to determine which team selects its designation first. If
three Clubs have identical winning percentages, then the three-Club tiebreak
rules shall apply to determine which teams select their designation first. If
all four Clubs have identical winning percentages, then;
1. 四队对战胜率相同时 就比各队对同区对战的胜率
2. 如果有任两队的胜率相同 就用两队tiebreak
3. 如果有三队的胜率相同 就用三队tiebreak
3. The Club with the highest winning percentage in the last half of
intraleague games chooses its designation first, followed by the Club with
the second-highest winning percentage and the Club with the third-highest
winning percentage. If two Clubs have identical winning percentages, then the
two-Club tiebreak rules shall apply to determine which team selects its
designation first. If three Clubs have identical winning percentages, then
the three-Club tiebreak rules shall apply to determine which teams select
their designation first. If all four Clubs have identical winning
percentages, then;
1. 四队对该区的胜率相同 就比该联盟后半赛程的胜率
2. 如果任两队胜率相同 就用两队tiebreak
3. 如果三队胜率相同 就用三队tiebreak
4. The Club with the highest winning percentage in the last half plus one
intraleague game, provided that such additional game was not between any of
the tied Clubs, chooses its designation followed by the Club with the
second-highest winning percentage and the Club with the third-highest winning
percentage. Continue to go back one intraleague game at a time until any ties
have been broken.
如果四队该联盟后半赛程胜率相同 就往前比一场
就这样 比出四队顺序为止
Tiebreak Scenarios
Two-Club Tie for Division Championship (Losing team does not qualify for Wild
One tiebreak game will be played on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively) to
determine the Division Champion. Home field advantage will be determined by
the rules above for a two-team tiebreaker.
1. 同区两队战绩相同并列第一(但逊于外卡两队) 则加赛一场
胜者为王 败者回家
Two-Club Tie for Division Championship and Wild Card:
One tiebreak game will be played on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively) to
determine the Division Champion. The loser of the game will be declared a
Wild Card. Home field advantage will be determined by the rules above for a
two-team tiebreaker.
2. 同区两队战绩相同 且保证有外卡 则加赛一场
胜者为冠军 败者为外卡
Two-Club Tie for Division Championship & Tie with Club Outside Division For
One Wild Card Spot:
1. One tiebreak game will be played on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively) to
determine the Division Champion. Home field advantage will be determined by
the rules above for a two-team tiebreaker.
2. A second tiebreak game will be played on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (tentatively)
between the loser of the game to determine the Division Champion and the team
from the other division at the ballpark of the team in the other division to
determine the Wild Card.
3. 同区两队战绩相同 且与"外卡二"战绩相同(即仅两队确保季后赛)
则同区两队先打冠军决定战 主场优势由两队tiebreak决定
隔天落败球队"做客"外卡球队 胜者外卡 败者淘汰
Two-Club Tie for Division Championship & Tie with Club Outside Division For
Two Wild Card Spots:
One tiebreak game will be played on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively) to
determine the Division Champion. Home field advantage will be determined by
the rules above for a two-team tiebreaker. The loser of the game and the team
from the other division will both be declared Wild Cards. Home field
advantage in the Wild Card game will be determined by the rules above for a
two-team tiebreaker.
4. 同区两队战绩相同 且与"外卡一"战绩相同(即三队皆确保季后赛)
则同区两队先打冠军决定战 主场优势由两队tiebreak决定
两支外卡球队就打外卡季后赛 主场优势由两队tiebreak决定
Two-Club Tie for Division Championship & Tie with Two Clubs Outside Division
For One Wild Card Spot:
1. Two tiebreak games will be played on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively). One
will feature the two Clubs tied for the Division to determine the Division
Champion, and the other will feature the other two Clubs outside the
division. Home field advantage in each game will be determined by the rules
above for a two-team tiebreaker.
2. A third tiebreak game will be played on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (tentatively)
between the loser of the game to determine the Division Champion and the
winner of the game between the two Clubs outside the division at the ballpark
of the team outside the division to determine the Wild Card.
5. 同区两队战绩相同 且与"外卡二"的两队战绩相同(即四队取两队)
则9/30会有两场比赛 一为分区冠军决定战 二为外卡排位赛
第一场的胜者为分区冠军 败者"做客"第二场的胜者打隔天的殊死战
Two-Club Tie for Division Championship & Tie with Two Clubs Outside Division
For Two Wild Card Spots:
1. Two tiebreak games will be played on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively). One
will feature the two Clubs tied for the Division to determine the Division
Champion, and the other will feature the other two Clubs outside the division
to determine one Wild Card Club. Home field advantage in each game will be
determined by the rules above for a two-team tiebreaker.
2. A third tiebreak game will be played on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (tentatively)
between the loser of the game to determine the Division Champion and the
loser of the game between the two Clubs outside the division to determine the
second Wild Card Club. Home field advantage in the game will be determined by
the rules above for a two-team tiebreaker.
6. 同区两队战绩相同 且与外卡一二战绩相同(即四队取三队)
则9/30同上有两场比赛 一为分区冠军决定战 二为外卡排位赛
两战的胜者分别为分区冠军及外卡一 两战的败者一战定生死
胜者为外卡二 主场优势由两队tiebreak决定
Two-Club Tie for One Wild Card Spot:
One tiebreak game will be played on Monday. Sept. 30 (tentatively) to
determine the Wild Card. Home field advantage will be determined by the rules
above for a two-team tiebreaker.
7. 两队并列外卡二 则打一战定生死 主场优势由两队tiebreak决定
Three-Club Tie for Division Championship (Losing teams do not qualify for
Wild Card):
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B and C designations, Club A would
host Club B on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively). The winner of that game would
then host Club C on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (tentatively) to determine the Division
8. 同区三队并列冠军 但皆逊于外卡
并已经决定上面所提到的三队"选择权" 有ABC三种选项
A队将在9/30主场对B队 败者淘汰
胜者10/1主场对C队 胜者为分区冠军 败者淘汰
(A的好处是第一场有主场优势但要打两场 B最惨第一场是客场还要打第二场
C则是一战定生死 不过是在客场 我认为B选项最差 AC不一定)
Three-Club Tie for Division Championship & One Wild Card Spot:
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B and C designations, Club A would
host Club B on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively). The winner of that game would
then host Club C on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (tentatively) to determine the Division
Champion. The loser of the game would be declared the Wild Card Club.
9. 同区三队并列冠军 且保证有一外卡(即三队取两队进季后赛)
则同上 先选ABC三队
A在9/30主场对B 胜者为分区冠军 败者10/1主场对C 胜者为外卡二 败者淘汰
(这个情况A打一场且在主场 B则是打一场在客场 但皆有争冠军的权利
C无法争冠 只能打一场决生死)
Three-Club Tie for Division Championship & Two Wild Card Spots:
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B and C designations, Club A would
host Club B on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively). The loser of the game would be
declared one Wild Card Club. The winner of that game would then host Club C
on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (tentatively) to determine the Division Champion. The
loser of the game would be declared the other Wild Card Club.
10. 同区三队并列冠军 且皆保证有外卡
则同上 决定ABC三队
A在9/30主场对B 败者为外卡 胜者10/1主场对C 胜者为分区冠军 败者为外卡
(这个情况AB要打两场才有机会夺冠 C则是有在客场挑战一场夺冠的权利)
Three-Club Tie for Division Championship & Tie with Club Outside Division For
One Wild Card Spot:
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B, C and D designations (In this
case, Club D would be the Club outside the Division), Club A would host Club
B and Club C would host Club D on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively).
1. If Club D wins, it would be declared the Wild Card Club and the winner of
the game between Club A and Club B would be declared the Division Champion.
2. If Club C wins, then the winner of the game between Club A and Club B
would host Club C on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (tentatively). The winner of the game
would be declared the Division Champion and the loser would be declared the
Wild Card Club.
11. 同区三队并列冠军 且与外卡二战绩相同(即四队取两队进季后赛)
则同区三队先决定ABC 外卡二为D
9/30的两场比赛 A主场对B C主场对D
若(1) D(外卡队)获胜 则D直接成为外卡二 AB战则为分区冠军决定战 败者淘汰
(2) C队获胜 则AB战胜者在10/1主场对C AB战败者淘汰
胜者为分区冠军 败者外卡
Three-Club Tie for Division Championship & Tie with Club Outside Division For
Two Wild Card Spots:
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B, C and D designations (In this
case, Club D would be the Club outside the Division), Club A would host Club
B and Club C would host Club D on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively).
1. If Club D wins, it would be declared one Wild Card Club and the winner of
the game between Club A and Club B would be declared the Division Champion.
The loser of the game between Club A and Club B would host Club C on Tuesday,
Oct. 1 (tentatively) to determine the other Wild Card Club.
2. If Club C wins, then the winner of the game between Club A and Club B
would host Club C on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (tentatively). The winner of the game
would be declared the Division Champion and the loser would be declared one
Wild Card Club. The loser of the game between Club A and Club B would host
Club D, also on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (tentatively), to determine the other Wild
Card Club.
12. 同区三队并列冠军 且与外卡一胜率相同(即四队取三队进季后赛)
则同区三队决定ABC 外卡队为D
9/30的两场比赛A主场对B C主场对D
若(1) D(外卡队)胜 则D成为外卡队 AB战为分区冠军决定战 胜者为分区冠军
AB战败者于10/1主场对C 胜者为外卡 败者淘汰
(2) C队获胜 则AB战的胜者将在10/1主场对C 胜者为分区冠军 败者为外卡
AB战败者在10/1主场对D 胜者为外卡
Three-Club Tie for One Wild Card Spot:
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B and C designations, Club A would
host Club B on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively). The winner of the game would
then host Club C on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (tentatively) to determine the Wild Card
13. 三队并列外卡二 则先决定ABC三队
9/30由A主场对B 胜者在10/1主场对C 胜者为外卡 两战败者皆淘汰
Three-Club Tie for Two Wild Card Spots:
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B and C designations, Club A would
host Club B on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively). The winner of the game would
be declared one Wild Card winner. Club C would then host the loser of the
game between Club A and Club B on Tuesday, Oct. 1 (tentatively) to determine
the second Wild Card Club.
14. 三队并列外卡一 则先决定ABC三队
9/30由A主场对B 胜者取得外卡 10/1则由C主场对AB战败队 胜者外卡 败者淘汰
Four-Club Tie for Division Championship (Losing teams do not qualify for Wild
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B, C and D designations, Club A would
host Club B and Club C would host Club D on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively).
The winners of each of those games would then meet on Tuesday, Oct. 1
(tentatively), hosted by the winner of the game between Club A and Club B, to
determine the Division Champion.
15. 同区四队并列冠军 且皆逊于外卡
9/30由A主场对B C主场对D AB战胜者10/1主场对CD战胜者
Four-Club Tie for Division Championship & One Wild Card Spot:
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B, C and D designations, Club A would
host Club B and Club C would host Club D on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively).
The winners of each of those games would then meet on Tuesday, Oct. 1
(tentatively), hosted by the winner of the game between Club A and Club B, to
determine the Division Champion. The loser of the game would be declared the
Wild Card Club.
16. 同区四队并列冠军 且保证有一外卡
则先分成ABCD 9/30由A主场对B C主场对D
AB战胜者在10/1主场对CD战胜者 胜者为分区冠军 败者为外卡二
Four-Club Tie for Division Championship & Two Wild Card Spots:
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B, C and D designations, Club A would
host Club B and Club C would host Club D on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively).
1. The winners of each of those games would then meet on Tuesday, Oct. 1
(tentatively), hosted by the winner of the game between Club A and Club B, to
determine the Division Champion. The loser of the game would be declared the
Wild Card Club.
2. The losers of the original two games would meet on Tuesday, Oct. 1
(tentatively), hosted by the loser of the game between Club A and Club B, to
determine the other Wild Card Club.
17. 同区四队并列冠军 且保证有两外卡
则先分成ABCD 9/30由A主场对B C主场对D
AB战胜者于10/1主场对CD战胜者 胜者为分区冠军 败者外卡
AB战败者于10/1主场对CD战败者 胜者外卡 败者淘汰
Four-Club Tie for One Wild Card Spot:
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B, C and D designations, Club A would
host Club B and Club C would host Club D on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively).
The winners of each of those games would then meet on Tuesday, Oct. 1
(tentatively), hosted by the winner of the game between Club A and Club B, to
determine the Wild Card Club.
18. 四队并列外卡二 则先决定ABCD
9/30由A主场对B C主场对D AB战胜者于10/1主场对CD战胜者 胜者外卡
Four-Club Tie for Two Wild Card Spots:
After Clubs have been assigned their A, B, C and D designations, Club A would
host Club B and Club C would host Club D on Monday, Sept. 30 (tentatively).
The winners of each of those games would be declared the Wild Card Clubs.
19. 四队并列两外卡 则先决定ABCD
9/30由A主场对B C主场对D 两战胜者以外卡晋级