在响尾蛇小熊系列战 Jeff Samardzija和Matt Williams有一些口头冲突
According to Williams, Samardzija yelled at him, "What are you looking at?"
Samardzija: 看三小?
Williams said he replied, "I'm not looking at you."
Williams: 没在看你
"I have no idea," Williams said when asked why Samardzija would say that to
him. "I didn't say a word to the man and I don't have any respect for that. I
have no respect for him showing somebody up on the field."
Williams: 我什么都没说 不知道他为什么发作?
响尾蛇总教练Kirk Gibson对这件事的回应
"It's part of the game," Gibson said. "Whatever. He didn't get the win did
he? Maybe the next time he should just shut the [expletive] up and pitch."
Gibson: 他没赢不是吗? 也许下次他该闭嘴好好投球