[情报] Garza怒呛Cueto

楼主: abc12812   2013-05-28 04:17:21
Still ticked off even after Sunday’s 5-4 comeback victory over the
Cincinnati Reds, Garza sent a message to Johnny Cueto at Great American Ball
Park: “Hopefully he learns to grow the hell up.”
昨天逆转胜之后 Garza怒呛Cueto "希望他能长大一点"
The pitch Cueto sailed over the head of David DeJesus toward the backstop
woke up the Cubs dugout and forced home-plate umpire Bob Davidson to issue a
warning in the sixth inning. Teammates and coaches love the adrenaline rush
from Garza, who fired his own warning shot through the media.
Cueto在比赛中对DeJesus丢了个头部近身球 让主审出来警告
“Cueto should learn you don’t go after guys’ heads,” Garza said. “Don’t
wake a sleeping dog and I think that’s kind of immature on his part and
totally uncalled for. He’s lucky that retaliation isn’t in our vocabulary
Garza "Cueto应该学会不要攻击人头 不要吵醒睡觉的狗 我想他还不成熟 算他好运我们的
“That’s kind of BS on his part. Just totally immature. If he has something
to say about it, he knows where to find my locker and definitely I’ll find
Garza "他有什么想说的话就来我的置物柜找我 而我也会找到他的置物柜"
“Take care of it then,” Baker said. “I mean, [Cueto] couldn’t hit Wilt
Chamberlain with that pitch. … I haven’t talked to Johnny about it. I don’
t think there’s any bad blood between them or whatever.”
Baker "那球连张伯伦也打不到"
“I don’t think Johnny cares either. Would [Garza] have been as upset if he
got the win instead of potentially get a loss? You gotta something to say,
you go over there and tell him. Johnny ain’t running. Know what I mean? A
guy can say what he wants to say, but it’s better if you go over and say it
to his face.”
"有话最好当面直说 Cueto又不会落跑"
Baker then recalled a time when things like this were handled differently.
“I just wish, just put them in a room, let them box and let it be over with,
know what I mean?” Baker said. “I always said this. Let it be like hockey.
Let them fight, somebody hits the ground and then it’ll be over with. I’m
serious about that.
"我希望就让他们单挑嘛 打累了就不会再打了"
作者: MrChief (超几朴赛亚人)   2013-05-28 04:36:00
We Support You, Cueto!!
作者: BerwickSt (noel's harmony)   2013-05-28 04:36:00
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2013-05-28 04:54:00
这代的Reds想要和NL Central每一队都结梁子
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2013-05-28 06:04:00
Dont wake up sleeping dog要照字面翻嘛? 感觉有“老虎
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2013-05-28 06:05:00
作者: jamesyu545   2013-05-28 07:37:00
作者: peking (张胖胡变态不礼貌)   2013-05-28 08:05:00
作者: shawshien (Let's go, Cubbies!)   2013-05-28 08:10:00
小熊队转播单位表示: 如果他们真的单挑
作者: shawshien (Let's go, Cubbies!)   2013-05-28 08:11:00
我们会想尽一切办法实况转播 XD
作者: Rucca (Herr Chaconne ?)   2013-05-28 08:56:00
作者: Raskolnikov (拉斯柯尔尼科夫)   2013-05-28 09:24:00
作者: Sparksfly (火光飞舞)   2013-05-28 09:33:00
For LaRue
作者: Sparksfly (火光飞舞)   2013-05-28 09:35:00
作者: bensn101 (MAN)   2013-05-28 09:56:00
作者: wasiwatery (你今天1985了没)   2013-05-28 10:21:00
作者: evilvens (嘟嘟)   2013-05-28 10:29:00
作者: Guerrieri (Taylor)   2013-05-28 11:05:00
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2013-05-28 11:15:00
然后Chapman 今天又和 Swisher 吵起来..
作者: eon4 (崩星咆哮砲)   2013-05-28 11:49:00
作者: PlayStation3 (超级喜欢于小文)   2013-05-28 12:01:00
作者: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2013-05-28 12:09:00
作者: JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)   2013-05-28 12:21:00
作者: ug945 (ug945)   2013-05-28 12:28:00
作者: yeah8466 (小扬董)   2013-05-28 12:42:00
作者: evic1224 (瓜瓜)   2013-05-28 12:45:00
作者: Joanry (LIFE IS...)   2013-05-28 13:03:00
http://tinyurl.com/o6vcg34 Chapman to Swisher
作者: Tulowitzki2 (图喏)   2013-05-28 13:11:00
不是只有这个啊 下一球直接往Swisher的头砸过去了幸好有躲掉
作者: genteme (Brett Gardner's big fan)   2013-05-28 13:20:00
第二球有够扯 一个不小心真的会砸烂脸哪
作者: Joanry (LIFE IS...)   2013-05-28 13:23:00
http://tinyurl.com/p7oujnx 原来还有第2球...
作者: Joanry (LIFE IS...)   2013-05-28 13:28:00
作者: maxspeed150 (听说茉夏分手了)   2013-05-28 13:31:00
这是Swisher修养好 换成很多人就直接冲上去开打了吧
作者: chopinlee (稻叶)   2013-05-28 13:42:00
作者: PlayStation3 (超级喜欢于小文)   2013-05-28 13:42:00
作者: ARodGodlike   2013-05-28 13:45:00
Cueto很没品 不意外
作者: melissalewis (龙使弗利兹)   2013-05-28 13:47:00
作者: Tulowitzki2 (图喏)   2013-05-28 13:49:00
可惜Swisher之后没有扛出墙 不然就有趣了 XD
作者: gfive110 (吗嘶忘)   2013-05-28 13:54:00
作者: JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)   2013-05-28 13:56:00
作者: ethanptt (before the midnight)   2013-05-28 15:10:00
作者: miabcd199 (超级喜欢周迅)   2013-05-28 16:16:00
Cueto不意外 垃__一个
作者: danman (共邑成)   2013-05-28 16:19:00
作者: Danielhsieh (阿光)   2013-05-28 16:20:00
谁敢丢Qurntin? 老方:我可以
作者: imgay5566 (★中国第一乐队★五毛天)   2013-05-28 16:25:00
红人不意外阿 从教练到SP到CP都是____一群 上梁不正阿zz
作者: hsyi (bigZ)   2013-05-28 16:47:00
Baker这什么发言啊zzz 难怪球员也一个样
作者: fang314 (你是谁)   2013-05-28 18:18:00
Chapman那球太恐怖了 被接杀后他们讲了什么?
作者: Zamned (Как дела?)   2013-05-28 18:32:00
原文有说明事情原尾 Garza应该不是故意丢人的Cueto可能是要帮队友报仇
作者: externaload (Vision of disorder)   2013-05-29 00:23:00
X头必嘘 红鸟迷仇恨度100%

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