A San Francisco Giants Pitcher Gave $500,000 Back To His Team After Noticing
An Error In His Contract
San Francisco Giants pitcher Jeremy Affeldt had every legal right to keep the
money when a clerical error resulted in him getting paid $500,000 more than
expected in 2010.
But under the advice of his agent (and his conscience), he ended up returning
the money to the team, Affeldt says in his new book.
巨人队左手牛 Affeldt在他新发表的书上表示
而多付给他0.5M的薪水 (4M → 4.5M)
但经纪人的建议以及自身的良心 他归还了这意外之财
From Henry Schulman of the San Francisco Chronicle:
"Affeldt was set to earn $4 million in 2010 under an existing contract with
the Giants when they negotiated a two-year, $10 million extension. When the
2010 amount was rewritten into the new contract, someone made a clerical
error and typed $4.5 million instead. The Giants and Affeldt signed it
without recognizing the mistake."
原本合约是两年10M 2010领4M
但因为文书上的错误 10年的薪水被误植为4.5M
Affeldt says his agent, the players' association, and the general manager of
the team said he could legally keep it.
"I won't sleep well at night knowing I took that money because every time I
open my paycheck I'll know it's not right," Affeldt said. He reworked the
contract so the $500,000 was removed.
With so much money at stake, these sorts of errors are rare in sports, but
not entirely unprecedented.
NFL player Elvis Dumervil lost millions and had to sign with a different team
last winter after he faxed in his signed contract extension a few minutes
after the deadline.
In 2003, Miami Heat guard Cartier Martin lost $4.1 million on a similar fax
machine fiasco.
We're not sure we've ever seen an error like this benefit a player, and we
certainly haven't seen one give the money back.
去年冬季,Elvis Dumervil(现为乌鸦队球员)因为错过了死线几分钟
而NBA的Cartier Martin也同样因为传真机的问题而损失了4.1M
超爽der~~ 天上掉下来的0.5M
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