[外电] Mo and Joba have tense exchange

楼主: ted10   2013-05-12 21:03:30
It might not be a huge deal one week from now, but it’s certainly a
noteworthy event when one teammate blatantly disrespects another teammate in
plain sight of the fans and media. It then becomes even more noteworthy when
the disrespected teammate just so happens to be a future Hall of Famer, and
perhaps the most well respected man currently in the game.
According to Mark Feinsand of the New York Daily News, that was the
uncomfortable scenario that played out just a couple hours before the
Yankees-Royals game at Kauffman Stadium on Saturday night.
Here are the details, according to what he witnessed:
Joba Chamberlain and Mariano Rivera exchanged tense words in the dugout
before Saturday night’s game, as Chamberlain took exception to Rivera
instructing him to quiet down while the closer chatted with reporters about
an emotional event he had held earlier in the day with several local families.
“Don’t ever shush me again,” Chamberlain told Rivera in full view of
reporters and fans.
Now you're probably wondering what Rivera said to illicit such a response.
According to Feinsand:
“Joba! Yo! Bro!” Rivera shouted. “Shhh. Stop it.”
See, I can almost understand how being publicly "shushed" can rub a person
the wrong way, but I can also picture Chamberlain being extra loud just for
the purpose of getting some kind of response out of anybody who's paying
attention. Not that that's at all what he was doing. I wasn't there. But
Feinsand certainly hinted at it by writing that Chamberlain was shouting into
stands while standing by the dugout railing, and only seemed to get louder as
Rivera indicated he was causing a distraction.
I also have a tough time believing Rivera would initiate such an exchange
just to be a jerk. Either Chamberlain was being disruptive, or he has a
history of being disruptive, and Rivera decided to nip it so he could fulfill
his commitments to the media.
Here's another thing. Chamberlain told Rivera that he was actually yelling to
family members in the stands, and that he doesn't get to see his family as
often as Rivera talks to the media. That's obviously true, but does that give
him a right to be a pain in the backside? Also, why must his interaction with
family come in shouting form at the ballpark, and why did it get louder when
Rivera first asked him to tone it down?
I'm trying to see things from Chamberlain's point of view. I really am. But I
just don't understand what would be going through his mind.
He didn't offer many clues, either, when asked about the incident after the
Asked after the game about the exchange, Chamberlain said, “I’m not talking
about it.” Chamberlain said he hadn’t spoken with Rivera since the spat.
Asked whether he felt the two needed to talk, Chamberlain sniped, “That’s
between me and Mo.”
Rivera was far less snippy about the situation, although he seemed surprised
that Chamberlain had barked at him in such a public setting.
“It’s amazing,” Rivera said before confirming that he and Chamberlain had
not spoken since. “We’ll take care of it. We’re grownups and I know better
than that. We’ll take care of that.”
This situation will blow over quickly because Mariano Rivera will personally
make sure that happens. With that in mind, I can already feel the venom from
fans who are angry this incident is getting any play at all.
Sorry, folks, that's kinda how it works when you present a story to the media
on a silver platter. Had Joba Chamberlain exercised a little better judgment,
then it wouldn't be a story. For now, though, it's a story. Right up until
the point when it isn't.
作者: Sparksfly (火光飞舞)   2013-05-12 21:05:00
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我敢酸Yogi Berra站起来没车头高, 你敢吗? 敢嘘我...
作者: mepass (努力浪费人生)   2013-05-12 21:46:00
看不出任何值得关注的点 只能说记者想战吧
作者: SSS120329 (鲔鱼)   2013-05-12 21:55:00
管他谁对谁错 MO这种历史难得的怪物呛 乔巴闪一边吧
作者: estceque (台南何守正)   2013-05-12 22:16:00
作者: BJme (逼杰米)   2013-05-12 22:38:00
这只是小事吧 有什么好呛的 joba中二生?
作者: eno03 (健康很重要)   2013-05-13 00:58:00
作者: godswd (正港业徒灵)   2013-05-13 01:59:00
作者: gn01370926 (三重肥肉东条希)   2013-05-13 06:38:00
大家都是华人之光 别吵了
作者: transformer8 (金刚变形)   2013-05-13 07:03:00
JOBA根本就救不起来了 大小声...?不是天之骄子嘛
作者: enkidu0830 (sky)   2013-05-13 08:53:00
作者: KayRain (Kay)   2013-05-13 10:36:00
菜就该死 真倒楣
作者: kusami (>.^)   2013-05-13 12:54:00

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