Dan Shaughnessy essentially accuses David Ortiz of taking PEDs
I went to Ortiz Tuesday afternoon in the Sox clubhouse and put some hard
questions to him. I told him he looks dirty.
Did he hear the fans in Toronto chanting, “Steroids!’’?
“No, not really,” said Ortiz. “Why?’’
Because what you are doing looks too good to be true.
“They test me all the time,” he said. “They make you pee and they test
your blood, too. This year I would say I’ve probably been tested five times,
peeing. Blood, just once. That was in spring training. They don’t warn you.
They just show up.’’
What it is like to be suspected?
“I don’t think I have been,” he said. “Nobody comes to me and tells me, ‘
They suspect you are using steroids.’