※ 引述《p86506 (yayaya)》之铭言:
: 前大联盟投手Dirk Hayhurst,现任蓝鸟转播分析员也表示八釦子绝对在作弊
: http://ppt.cc/94bN
: 翻译当练英文,翻错的请指正并见谅,谢谢!!
: *Rosin=止滑粉
Dennis Eckersley怒呛Jack Morris
“When you throw a spitball, the ball falls off the table, and you know it
right away. The hitters didn’t complain, but Jack Morris is. I think Jack
Morris should zip it,” Eckersley added. “I feel sorry for Buchholz to even
have to deal with this. I’m styling here, and you’re taking away from me, a
guy that can’t even make it to the Hall of Fame yet, and he’s chirping over
there — zip it.”
Eckersley: 当你一丢水球马上就会被察觉 打者都没讲话了Jack Morris却开口
我想Morris该闭嘴 我替Buchholz要面对这些感到难过 投的好却被说三道四
一个没进名人堂的在那边嘴砲 - 闭嘴