Re: [讨论] Joe Maddon:“the bunt is an overrated

楼主: gghh (GH)   2013-04-15 03:54:46
※ 引述《searoar (暗坑大豆)》之铭言:
: is an overrated play.”
: Using the expected runs matrix at Baseball Prospectus (using 2012 data),
: runners on first and second with no outs yields 1.44 expected runs, while
: runners on second and third with one out yields 1.29 expected runs.
: 1.44>1.29 上太空的西瓜!!
: Theoretically, one would slightly reduce run expectancy by bunting. However,
: the certainty of scoring that one run goes up. Furthermore, bunting creates a
: more realistic opportunity for production than letting Loney, who posted a
: .630 OPS last season, swing away. Though I, like Maddon, think that bunting
: is overrated in many circumstances, that was not one of those situations.
: 但是给LONEY打就输了GG
比赛前段或是打击大战用bunt当如不如用free swing
但也不能光用期望值就直接判断bunt一定比较差 像比赛末段一分差决胜负
要重视的是variance rather than the expected value.
与其说西瓜上太空,不如说又看到一个乱用数据的人 (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
作者: IanMason (伊恩)   2013-04-15 04:47:00
cannot agree with you more
作者: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2013-04-15 05:32:00
作者: OoyaoO (你今天崩潰了嗎 囧)   2013-04-15 07:26:00
作者: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2013-04-15 07:32:00
哪里有讲得像bunt一定会成功一样= =?
作者: conjohn (conjohn)   2013-04-15 09:59:00
作者: searoar (暗坑大豆)   2013-04-15 10:13:00
重点是Loney啊 who posted a .630 OPS last season
作者: searoar (暗坑大豆)   2013-04-15 10:16:00
如果打的人是Pujols 你根本就不会去考虑触击 就算他是DP王
作者: RogerWaters (希望你在这里)   2013-04-15 10:37:00
原文根本没说什么Variance的问题, 只是0出局1,2垒有人虽然比1出局2,3垒有人多得一点分, 但得一分的机率1出
作者: RogerWaters (希望你在这里)   2013-04-15 10:38:00
2,3垒有人是比较高的, 打到九局1比1得一分就赢,还想多
作者: RogerWaters (希望你在这里)   2013-04-15 10:39:00
得一点分, 何况还遇到上季ops只有.630的Loney
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2013-04-15 14:07:00
其实西瓜还有一个错误 统计数据可以广泛应用在的结果 不可
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2013-04-15 14:08:00

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