Some Dodgers fans decided to splurge on seats at Chase Field's Batters Box
Suite behind home plate last night, an investment of more than $3,000. That
kind of money doesn't buy respect, though, as they learned when Diamondbacks
owner Ken Kendrick demanded they change their clothes or seek seating
在昨天道奇@响尾蛇的比赛中 一群道奇球迷买了本垒后方价值3000元的包厢
这个状况被响尾蛇老板Ken Kendrick注意到
Kendrick便对这群球迷下达最后通牒 - 换上响尾蛇球衣 否则就换座位
最后这群球迷只能屈服于老板的淫威 乖乖换上球衣
作者: casey72017 (Casey) 2013-04-14 18:41:00
中间那段官方回应就说了. 球衣免费,还请了他们啤酒.