※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之铭言:
: sport, like the world, is messy. But the bottom line is that WAR works. In
: 2012 the correlation between Baseball Prospectus' WAR and team victories was
: 0.86 (where 1.0 would have meant a perfect correlation). The correlation
: between batting average and victories was 0.27. Teams with more WAR win more
: games. Teams with better batting averages don't.
Sure. WAR is a better statistic than the batting average. I do not
think that many people disagree. You can check the correlation between
victories and the differences of the runs forced and the runs allowed.
It would give you a higher correlation. Does that mean R+RBI is a better
statistic for offensive players? Furthermore, WPA (win probability added)
would give you a perfect correlation to victories. Would you consider it?
There is no doubt that WAR is a good answer. But is it THE answer?
Could be, but little support from your long arguments.
: at a certain point, the question in any debate against science is: What are
: you really fighting and why?
You should ask this to yourself, and answer it seriously.