Zamned (Как дела?)
2012-08-29 07:27:26最近说了一件不得了的事情
“When I signed my contract, I was 32,” Soriano said. “I knew what I
wanted. Before, during my years of arbitration, I had a lot of ‘friends,’
but my agent and my financial guy were always on top of me. They said, ‘You
got the money, more people will come. Don’t be afraid to say no. You didn’t
have that friend before — why is the friend now coming?’”
32岁??? ( ′_>`)
你和小熊签约不是30岁的事情吗? ( ‵□′)───C<─___-)|||
自认的事实无庸举证...( ̄(工) ̄ )
虽然早知到Soraino的年龄不单纯 _(:3”∠)_
不过这样的表白也太大胆一点 Σ(;゚Д゚)y━・~~~