Three months before the Hall of Fame distributes ballots with the names of
Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Sammy Sosa, it made an intriguing addition to
its hallowed Cooperstown shrine.
在Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Sammy Sosa等人获得名人堂票选资格的前夕
An antisteroids exhibit.
This weekend, the Hall launched its "Be A Superior Example" (BASE) program,
and a focus is, according to a press release, "promoting the healthy habits
associated with living free of performance-enhancing substances."
这周末 名人堂举行了名为(基础)的展览
目的是要 "推广无禁药的健康习惯"
Saturday, the Hall sponsored 5K and 10K races and hosted programs featuring
the four fundamentals of the BASE program: fitness, nutrition, character and
fair play. Saturday's unveiling of the exhibit was the biggie, and the
questions had to be asked:
Is there a connection with this year's ballot? A hint to the voters to keep
supposed PED users out of the Hall?
"It's not a message to any writer who votes for the Hall of Fame," Hall of
Fame President Jeff Idelson said. "This is an educational program."
"没~有~啦~ 只是一个教育活动罢了"