※ 引述《vg175 (非典型废言)》之铭言:
: http://0rz.tw/Qu9bs
: By Ben Nicholson-Smith
: Once a team makes a qualifying offer, the player has two choices:
: he can accept the one-year deal or decline in it search of other
: offers. If he declines the offer and signs elsewhere, his new team
: will have to surrender a top draft pick to his former team.
: 一旦母队提供qualifying offer,球员将有两种选择:
: 第一是接受母队的一年合约,
: 第二是拒绝并寻求其它合约.
: 如果球员拒绝母队的offer并与其他球队签约,
: 新球队将被迫放弃首轮选秀权给该球员的母队.
: Teams that sign free agents who turned down qualifying offers will
: surrender their first round picks. However, the first ten selections
: in the draft are protected. Teams with protected picks will surrender
: their second-highest selections. The player's former team will
: receive an additional selection at the end of the first round.
: 球队在签下符合(但拒绝)qualifying offer的球员时必须放弃首轮.
: 然而这首轮若是在前10顺位将会受到保护,改让出第二指名.
: 母队将得到额外补偿:首轮结束后二轮开始前的三明治选秀权.
‧Once a team makes a qualifying offer, the player has two choices: he can
accept the one-year deal or decline in it search of other offers. If he
declines the offer and signs elsewhere, his new team will have to surrender
a top draft pick (the selection doesn't go to the player's former team).
球员拒绝母队的 qualifying offer 并与其他球队签约,新球队将被没收最高顺位
‧Teams that sign free agents who turned down qualifying offers will
surrender their first round picks. However, the forfeited picks don't
go to other MLB teams. Instead, the first round simply becomes condensed.
‧The first ten selections in the draft are protected. Teams with protected
picks will surrender their second-highest selections.
前 10 顺位受到保护不会被没收,改为没收第二高的选秀权。
‧The player’s former team will receive its compensatory selection at
the end of the first round. Teams now obtain one compensatory selection,
instead of two.
母队的补偿顺位在第一轮结束后(以前三明治的位子),现在只会获得 1 个补偿,
而不是 2 个。
另外,http://goo.gl/uHbfi 这边提到
”The former Clubs will select based on reverse order of winning percentage
from the prior championship season.”
: 红袜是很有可能对老爹提qualifying offer,
: 不过若有其它球队提供复数年但平均年薪不如qualifying offer的约,
: 假设是保障四年40M这样,或许老爹会考虑到年纪,
: 选择四年40M而拒绝红袜的qualifying offer,那红袜也可以取得补偿选秀.
这边有个问题,在 qualifying offer 接受截止日之前,其他球队应该还无法报价。