Zach Greinke是聪明的投手吗?

楼主: abc12812   2012-05-27 19:44:51
I watched him pitch to the D-Backs tonight. If I didn’t know it was Greinke,
I would have thought that it was a rookie “thrower” who had no idea how to
pitch - for several reasons.
我看了他今天的比赛 要不是我知道他是Greinke 我还以为是哪个不懂投球的菜鸟丢球手呢
Anyway, there were runners on first and second and no outs in the 3rd inning
I think and the pitcher up. The pitcher was trying to bunt. Greinke started
him off with 3 straight curve balls, two of which missed the zone, followed
by 3 change ups. What the heck? He went to a 3-2 count and finally got him
out (on a sac bunt I think). I cannot imagine why he would throw a pitcher
trying to bunt any curve balls or change ups, let alone 6 straight! Breaking
pitches are typically the easiest to bunt and of course the last thing in the
world you want to do when a pitcher is trying to bunt is to walk him.
搞屁阿 投手摆明要触击 还投了一堆变化球搞成满球数是在干嘛?
The other thing was that he never, ever elevated his fastball, especially
when he needed a strikeout, which was often in this game. With a 96 mph 4
seamer, you simply have to elevate that pitch once in a while (or a lot). He
simply refused to do it. Whenever he needed a strikeout, he always went with
the breaking pitch low and away. It got to the point where everyone in the
world knew he was going to throw it. It worked in the first inning as he got
several of the D-Backs to chase the breaking pitch, but after one time
through the order, they were often spitting at the low off-speed pitches and
hammering the elevated ones. It was obvious that they knew what was coming.
Again, he refused to use any of his fastballs as an alternative “out pitch.”
然后他从来都不想丢高的快速球 特别是在需要三振的时候
他总是投外角低变化球 投到全世界都知道他就是要外角低
第一局是有用啦 但接下来打者就学乖放过低球 攻击掉不下来的变化球了
然后 他还是不想用快速球来"对决"
There were two terrible sequences (among many bad ones) that I noticed. One
was to GoldSchmidt, I think, in the third inning (I think) with runners on
first and second and no outs. He went to 3-2 and threw him an off speed pitch
for ball 4. As many of you know, I do not generally believe that there is
only “one pitch” to throw in any given situation - game theory dictates
that you must mix up your pitches, even if you are going to throw one
particular pitch 80 or 90% of the time - but with no outs, you pretty much
have to throw a pitch that is not going to walk the batter. And he did not
seem to have much command of his off-speed pitches (who does typically?).
The other thing about that sequence to Goldschmidt was that in the first
inning he struck him out with a slider in the dirt. He kept trying to do it
again in the 3rd, but it was obvious (to me at least) that he learned his
lesson and was not going to swing at that pitch, which he didn’t, yet
Greinke kept throwing it.
对决Goldschmidt的时候 第一次用挖地瓜滑球骗到三振
但第二次对决 Goldschmidt明显已经学乖不去追地瓜了
但Greinke还是很坚持一定要挖地瓜滑球 搞到最后变保送
The worst pitch of the game for him was when there were 2 runners on, one on
third, and McDonald, the worst hitter in the lineup (but a veteran), had 2
strikes on him after swinging at 2 off-speed pitches in the dirt. I turned to
my friend and said, “The whole game, he has refused to elevate a fastball in
a 2 strike count. He has always gone with the slider. I think McDonald knows
that. If he accidentally elevates one, he is going to get a good swing at it.

Sure enough he hung an 0-2 slider and the light hitting McDonald hit one out.
然后对上最烂的打者McDonald 先是连投了两个挖地瓜滑球骗到两个挥空
我转头对朋友说"全场他都拒绝在二好的时候用高速球对决 一定要用滑球吊
我想麦当劳知道这点 要是他不小心把滑球投高就灾系阿"
As I said, the whole game that Greinke was pitching, he looked ridiculously
predictable to me. He must not be, given that he has been so successful in
his career, but watching him pitch tonight, especially the weird sliders and
change ups to the pitcher trying to bunt, made be think that this guy is not
all that bright in the pitching department.
就像我说的 他的配球实在太好猜了 以他成绩不应该这么好预测才对
但看了他今天的表现 或许他在投球技巧上其实没那么聪明?
What say you fans who have followed his career?
作者: ultratimes   2012-05-27 19:46:00
作者: uchiyama (Run, dont walk)   2012-05-27 19:48:00
作者: Ryushuier (键盘农夫流水儿)   2012-05-27 19:49:00
作者: pikachu123 (pika)   2012-05-27 19:56:00
大概是到客场打球 心灵又溃堤了
作者: sky419012 (fly)   2012-05-27 20:14:00
作者: msn12345679 (吼~~)   2012-05-27 20:59:00
很嘴的球员 酿酒人专出这种货色
作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)   2012-05-27 21:02:00
楼主: abc12812   2012-05-27 21:13:00
这篇评论者是mgl阿 没听过他名号的 知道他是UZR的发明人
楼主: abc12812   2012-05-27 21:14:00
作者: olin7745 (Olin)   2012-05-27 21:16:00
作者: The5F (5F)   2012-05-27 21:17:00
作者: onime0704 (おにめ)   2012-05-27 21:19:00
作者: ImpactBlue (ImpactBlue)   2012-05-27 21:20:00
作者: ImpactBlue (ImpactBlue)   2012-05-27 21:22:00
配球太过钻牛角尖的话 该说择善固执还是不聪明??
作者: kauw (kauw)   2012-05-27 21:41:00
作者: ImpactBlue (ImpactBlue)   2012-05-27 21:50:00
配球好或坏 有一部份还是结果论 真的很难评断
作者: god2 (乙炔)   2012-05-27 22:34:00
作者: ZachGreinke (40周年)   2012-05-27 22:37:00
ZacK Greinke~
作者: afulet (1岁就很帅)   2012-05-27 23:34:00
心灵崩溃症 改善方式:交易到30队都待过 不知道有没有用
作者: ShadowMask (卡通频道台配真的很棒)   2012-05-27 23:35:00
作者: Crisis (危机)   2012-05-27 23:46:00
msn12345679是不是踩到线了? 要批评也不查清楚
作者: mittermeyer (Anybody Anytime!)   2012-05-28 00:50:00
Greinke丢2.1IP被敲10H 连投手都敲安打 单纯的核爆
作者: mittermeyer (Anybody Anytime!)   2012-05-28 00:51:00
保送状况不好的 被手套人敲HR 我是觉得没意义...
作者: mittermeyer (Anybody Anytime!)   2012-05-28 00:52:00
我是说挑几个人鞭他不该爆得这么彻底 没啥意义
作者: dickyman (屌面人)   2012-05-28 01:17:00
配球尽量不要在对决时搞把握性低的球种 至于会不会被打安打 很大成分还是打者的能力
作者: lucky360 (加摩尔会保护大家的)   2012-05-28 12:32:00
作者: jerriver3 (马鸣)   2012-05-28 16:58:00
作者: otaku5566 (オタク56)   2012-05-29 13:13:00

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