tirple (Lynch)
2012-04-24 13:48:19中间帮你接起来一下 不用谢我了XD
※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之铭言:
: http://tinyurl.com/8xymnhj
: After the week that was, in which he had to (1) apologize for disparaging
: Kevin Youkilis, (2) banish one of his GM’s prize offseason acquisitions,
: Mark Melancon, to the minors and (3) proceeded to screw up two games against
: the Tampa Bay Rays and Texas Rangers by going against the basic tenets of
: Managing 101, wethinks Bobby V is already wondering what he’s gotten himself
: into by returning to the managerial wars with the Red Sox.
: And this doesn’t include the near player revolt he had on his hands the very
: first week of spring training when, the Daily News has learned, he got all
: over shortstop Mike Aviles in what sources described as “a very ugly scene”
: during infield drills. After a group of Red Sox players confronted him with
: outrage, Valentine had to apologize to Aviles.
: Since then, Valentine has outwardly praised Aviles, whom he recently
: installed in the leadoff spot in the wake of Jacoby Ellsbury going on the DL
: with a shoulder injury.
Though he has gone out of his way to be the good soldier and organization man,
belying his image as a power freak, Valentine must be dismayed at the fact his
boss, rookie GM Ben Cherington, did nothing over the winter to address
the right field, shortstop and starting rotation voids
(other than dicker futily with Roy Oswalt).
Instead, one of Cherington's significant trades was to send shortstop
Jed Lowrie to the Houston Astros for Melancon,
whom he first hailed as a potential closer.
虽然Bobby V开季到现在人家爪牙当的不是太好 而且搞得自己很像球团老板一样
不过新GM Cherington当的2266的,明明SS/RF/SP缺很大
居然是把Lowerie送走去换Melancon 这个他觉得是Closer料的RP
How did Cherington not know what the Yankees, who orginally signed Melancon,
told everyone who ever asked about him — that the kid had good stuff
but a very delicate psyche not fit for pressure cooker environments
like the AL East?
洋基球探报告:这小子Stuff好 但是心理素质有点问题 可能不太适合太大压力的局面
Cherington从1999就在红袜棒球事务部当差 为什么会连这种事情都不知道?
Valentine took Cherington at his word and used Melancon in key relief spots,
with disastrous results. When Melancon faced six Texas batters on Tuesday
night and, in one of the most astounding “he was horse bleep”
pitching lines, gave up three homers and two walks without retiring a
batter, Valentine had no choice but to send the beleagured
27-year-old righty and his 49.50 ERA to Pawtucket, probably never to return.
Bobby V:不管你信不信 反正我是信了
On Sunday, a New York tabloid reported that there was a “very ugly scene”
between Red Sox shortstop Mike Aviles and manager Bobby Valentine durin
g spring training.
On Monday, Aviles and Valentine denied anything happened.
礼拜一Aviles跟Bobby V出来辟谣了
"That happened? Not that I know of," Aviles said. "It was all news to me,
I'll tell you that much. ... I don't know where that's coming from.
I don't know anything about it."
Aviles: 谋阿,我什么都没听说过
Said Valentine: "I just heard about it. It goes from the sublime
to ridiculous doesn't it around there? Those New York writers.
If we're going to do a full disclosure, which we better do that,
at the team party that I threw, I spilled a Coke on one of the
player's wives and I apologized."
Bobby V: 纽约写手都马这样 我现在跟你说 我前几天在Team Party上
不小心喷了我手下老婆一身可乐 明天让你写头条
Aviles worked out the entire first week with Dustin Pedroia,
Adrian Gonzalez and Kevin Youkilis.
Pedroia and Gonzalez said there was no incident.
"What?" Pedroia said. "Seriously? That didn't happen."
反正这件事情大概就是Bobby V跟Cherington或是球团不合
所以才会有Daniel Bard跟Frankie Morales死不换事件发生
(季前其实一直就有消息是V要Bard留牛棚 Cherington一直叫Bard去先发)