ohb (好胜的命运是失落)
2012-02-24 00:15:42┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
│ 文章代码(AID): #1F1msWuU (MLB) [ptt.cc] [外电] Starlin Castro被控性侵 │
│ 文章网址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1325862304.A.E1E.html │
│ 这一篇文章值 40 Ptt币 │
● 78 s43 1/06 Krislad □ [外电] Starlin Castro被控性侵
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推 Salvere:MLB狗鼻,强暴惹 01/07 01:01
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→ saidon:Starlin the starliner starlined the starlinee starlinly 01/07 01:25
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→依程度警告 or 15-day DL
martinetsai, Jigokuhen, capirex, Salvere, saidon,
miabcd199, Wolfken, porten812, kobed, Hafner,
howard612 15-day DL