[外电] Curt Schilling: Don't expect too much

楼主: gentleman888   2012-02-14 19:25:40
Curt Schilling: Don't expect too much from Yu Darvish
Since he has pitched with Byung-Hyun Kim and Daisuke Matsuzaka during his
20 MLB seasons, Curt Schilling says he knows a little something about how Yu
Darvish could fare with the Rangers.
Kim, who was born in South Korea, and Matsuzaka, who was born in Japan, found
little success at the major league level. During a Wednesday interview on The
Ben and Skin Show [KESN-FM] Schilling attributed their struggles to adapting
to a game that is more difficult, faster and stronger. And because he
witnessed their problems up close, Schilling isn't expecting different
results from Darvish.
"It’s just a different world and I haven’t seen it transition consistently,
yet, because it’s a different game, it’s a different speed, it’s a
different level of competition," Schilling said. "And you’re taking a guy
who in his mind, I think he believes he’s one of the best in the world,
which is something you need, and you’re asking him to change everything and
that doesn’t generally tend to translate very well."
Schilling suggests that Darvish's routine must be adjusted. He can’t
continue to throw the high volume of pitches like he did in Japan.
"His routine has to change," Schilling said. "A lot of things have to change.
If he’s going to pitch in the big leagues and he’s going to make 35 starts
a year, he can’t throw as much as they’ve asked him to throw in the past."
And after hearing the lofty expectations before Matsuzaka arrived in Boston,
Schilling advises to be cautiously optimistic when it comes to Darvish.
Matsuzaka was advertised to throw up to 98 miles per hour and possess six
pitches, however, Schilling revealed that Matsuzaka's speed was between 92-94
mph and he only had "two and a half legitimate big league pitches."
"The hype generally tends to supersede what you’re going to get," Schilling
said. "Having said that, I’ve heard this kid is entirely different."
He added: "He’s got electric stuff, but you’re talking about a six-day
rotation. That’s literally another world compared to the world he’s getting
ready to walk into."
Now, the six-time All-Star wasn't all doom-and-gloom when it came to the
Rangers forking out over $111 million for Darvish. If Schilling had to choose
between taking Darvish or C.J. Wilson, he said he would go with Darvish, "no
"[Wilson] didn’t pitch when they needed him most," Schilling said. "October’
s when great pitchers step up and lead pitching staffs. I didn’t see
anything that led me to believe that he was a guy that was going to carry a
staff through the playoffs. … He’s not a No.1."
Instead of re-signing with the Rangers, Wilson signed a five-year, $77.5
million contract with the Los Angeles Angels in December.
我敢说,Curt Schilling 被打脸打定了…
作者: chipson (poker face)   2012-02-14 19:35:00
未看先猜 达比修带领游骑兵拿到世界冠军
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作者: man9527 (Man)   2012-02-14 19:49:00
作者: EVA96 (键盘亲卫队)   2012-02-14 19:52:00
《有效文章》170 篇 (劣:1)
作者: jayin07 ( ⊙o⊙)   2012-02-14 19:59:00
作者: msn12345679 (吼~~)   2012-02-14 20:12:00
中肯啊 一个没在大联盟投过球的还能被造神成这样
作者: nickofbsb   2012-02-14 20:14:00
鸠竟席林姐会不会从中肯大师变身为预言家咧 我们看下去
作者: yeah8466 (小扬董)   2012-02-14 20:30:00
席林上一个预言 洋基今年拿下美东冠军!
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席林姐开战中 C.J Wilson:关我什么事
作者: darkness0918 (公馆方闻羶)   2012-02-14 20:46:00
作者: Jeter (丁eter)   2012-02-14 20:48:00
其实我觉得预测NYY拿"美东"冠军这没什么阿.....大家都知道他机会最高- -
作者: jr00725016 (肥宅)   2012-02-14 20:51:00
作者: signorange (orangedays)   2012-02-14 20:51:00
快开打吧 不知今年的结局又是如何
作者: JKuo (~.~)   2012-02-14 21:15:00
作者: yoshiringo (《高雄版东海》)   2012-02-14 21:26:00
作者: jaysuzuki (我要成为核心王)   2012-02-14 21:44:00
作者: st6012 (高町疾风)   2012-02-14 21:58:00
作者: jj33882266 (JJ峻~~)   2012-02-14 22:32:00
也不是完全否定Darvish 还偷婊(?)C.J. XD
作者: jj33882266 (JJ峻~~)   2012-02-14 22:33:00
不过讲Darvish讲得很中肯啊 (个人感觉啦)
作者: ChinaGy (偶不素426)   2012-02-14 22:37:00
作者: ajburnett (The go-to guy)   2012-02-14 22:43:00
他说得很客观啊 只说转换联盟会让Darvish一切习惯都要改变 也说他认为是优于Wilson的...
作者: TKWdEmoN (遗憾和眷恋)   2012-02-14 22:47:00
作者: ROMEL (Bin)   2012-02-14 22:48:00
看Wilson去年成绩 已经是联盟中名列前茅的投手了 Schilling认为Darvish比Wilson还威...
作者: ROMEL (Bin)   2012-02-14 22:50:00
搞不懂Schilling是在贬Darvish还是在捧他 XD
作者: Aldousphyx (On Tilt)   2012-02-14 23:16:00
作者: maikxz (超级痛痛人)   2012-02-14 23:28:00
无论如何 Darvish最重要的课题一定是 投一休四 大量室外场
作者: maikxz (超级痛痛人)   2012-02-14 23:29:00
作者: nickofbsb   2012-02-14 23:41:00
作者: klarc (拾月暗)   2012-02-14 23:53:00
作者: maikxz (超级痛痛人)   2012-02-14 23:57:00
喔对 差点忘记他得在那投差不多16场...
作者: goury   2012-02-15 00:02:00
作者: st6012 (高町疾风)   2012-02-15 00:25:00
作者: miabcd199 (超级喜欢周迅)   2012-02-15 02:46:00
中肯哥 被打爆的机率蛮高的
作者: iam28   2012-02-15 10:21:00
作者: maikxz (超级痛痛人)   2012-02-15 17:57:00
季后赛战神出来讲话 没多少人敢吭声...
作者: jagr (凉兄)   2012-02-15 19:55:00
作者: jagr (凉兄)   2012-02-15 19:57:00

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