推 maxspeed150:不会 因为就是有人偏不投 01/10 11:37
→ maxspeed150:这些投票成员中有几个古怪的家伙 就是不投1st ballot 01/10 11:37
So my ballot, on which you can vote for as many as 10 players, went in this
year with one name checked: Don Mattingly. I know he’s not going to get in
because a lot of voters think his career body of work wasn’t good enough.
But when he played, in his prime, he was the best player in baseball. And
there are guys in the Hall, and guys on the ballot now, who were never that.
Never considered dominant, or among the top two or three players in the game
at any point in their career. And I’m pretty sure Donnie Baseball didn’t
只选一个,而且那个还是绝大多数人都不会投给他的Don Mattingly