[情报] Sign-And-Trade Involving Nakajima Poss

楼主: kg50236 (今天好心情)   2011-12-15 11:56:02
The Yankees won the bidding for Japanese shortstop Hiroyuki Nakajima, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be wearing pinstripes in 2012. Agent Greg Genske has approached the Yankees about the possibility of a sign-and-trade, according to Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports. The Giants and Cubs like Nakajima, according to Rosenthal.
The Yankees won the rights to Nakajima with a bid in the $2MM range last week. They now have 30 days to reach an agreement with the 29-year-old, who will return to the Seibu Lions for another year if he doesn’t sign. Nakajima would like to play every day, but he’s not ruling anything out
作者: eon4 (崩星咆哮砲)   2011-02-15 12:03:00
作者: nbahoop (我难过的是...)   2011-02-15 12:34:00
他想要天天上场 在洋基不可能 那洋基就签下来把它交易掉吧
作者: aaps   2011-02-15 12:56:00
洋基 □ [代买]优质日本游击手 免运 免入札金
作者: phil807124   2011-02-15 18:11:00
天天上场?? 他什么咖啊 去3A天天上吧
作者: waijr (时差13HR)   2011-02-15 19:10:00
拿去交易应该有些价值吧 看看有没有缺钱的球队想买便宜游击
作者: jojo2147 (d(_._)b)   2011-02-15 20:02:00
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2011-02-15 20:37:00
作者: danny789 (这其中一定有什么误会)   2011-02-16 07:04:00

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