※ 引述《Phatmen (一丘之貉被战活该)》之铭言:
: 简易翻译一下
: ※ 引述《mvp12345 (Goooooooogle)》之铭言:
: : Of Course, This Means The Rangers Have To Sign Prince Fielder Now
: : By Grant Brisbee - Editor
: : The Angels just signed Albert Pujols and C.J. Wilson. Thinking that the
: : Rangers probably aren't going to counter with Nick Punto.
: 当条子决定不跟Punto协商的时候,天使同时签了Pujols跟Wilson。
: (这应该是在反讽,当你的对手都在搞大咖的时候,你还在处理这种小鱼。)
天使刚刚签下了Pujols跟Wilson。天使队的想法是游骑兵队总不会用签来Nick Punto这种
: : Dec 8, 2011 - In attempt to catch up to the Texas Rangers, the Los Angeles
: : Angels of Anaheim signed the best hitter in baseball. Then they signed away
: : the Rangers' best pitcher. From the Rangers' perspective, that's like
: : reaching for a can of Raid and seeing that the cockroach is holding it.
: 为了迎头赶上游骑兵,天使签下当今最好的打者。然后他们也挖了游骑兵的墙脚,签了
: 游骑兵目前最好的投手,对游骑兵来说,
: 更正:
: 推 Epsilon:应该说是想要找雷达来杀蟑,找到时确发现雷达落入蟑螂手里
: (这一段也是反讽,天使都挖到你们家来了还不紧张。)
: : If I owned the Rangers, I would have walked away from Game 6 of the 2011
: : World Series thinking malicious thoughts. And after Game 7, I would have
: : retreated to my luxurious suite, cracked open a bottle of 40-year-old Scotch,
: : and started plotting how I was going to sign Albert Pujols away. At first, I
: : would have done it just to put him on the bench just to piss off Cardinals
: : fans, but at some point I would have figured out that playing him was a
: : better idea.
: 如果我是游骑兵老板,我会轻易赢过在WS第六战之后那些坏念头,然后在第七战之后,
: 我会马上退房,开一瓶40年苏格兰威士忌然后开始计划如何要把Pujols搞来,就算放在
: 板凳上纯粹为了让红雀迷起赌蓝也好,但其实是想着有了他在我们球队会多爽。
: : The Rangers' ownership is not as petty as I am, apparently. They're fiscally
: : prudent and pragmatic. And if they didn't think that Pujols was worth $254
: : million
作者: Hans14 (沉默反对派) 2011-02-10 10:29:00
好个典故, 想起电影<王者天下>; 当初看不懂那一巴掌