mvp12345 (Goooooooogle)
2011-12-07 02:31:58Report: Cubs Make Offer To Albert Pujols
While Albert Pujols reportedly mulls the reported offer he has reportedly
been given by the Miami Marlins (enough "reportedly"s for you?), Joe Strauss
reports that the Chicago Cubs have also made an offer to Pujols, through his
agent Dan Lozano:
The Chicago Cubs also engaged Lozano in talks about Pujols Monday and are
believed to have made a qualifying bid. Lozano declined Monday night to
address any team’s status in talks.
Cubs president Theo Epstein attempted to deflect speculation about his team’
s interest in Pujols by noting that Lozano also represents free agent pitcher
Rodrigo Lopez, another Cubs target. However, the Post-Dispatch confirmed
early this morning that the Cubs submitted a bid for their rival’s longtime
offensive centerpiece.
Ironically, Rodrigo Lopez was responsible for a dramatic Cardinals win on
June 5 in St. Louis when he gave up a 10th-inning walkoff home run to Pujols.
Of the 18 homers Lopez allowed in 2011, three were hit by Pujols. Perhaps
this is the Cubs’ way of saying, “If we can’t beat him, have him join us.”
The article quotes an unnamed baseball executive as saying the Marlins have a
“50-50” chance of signing Pujols. No odds were given for the Cubs’ chances.
taker627 (你马英九吗?)
2011-02-07 02:39:00开个30m缩了吧!拿到冠军就赚
看了一下 这篇是之前的新闻了吧 不是新的我记得小熊已经说把目标转向小王子了
qoomilk (狐狸尾巴)
2011-02-07 03:00:00睹神怎还不变超级赛亚人
最新 Marlins crew out of meeting, not stopping tochat
I'm no body language expert, but #Marlins looked
rather smiley as Albert Pujols talks approachcritical point.
Jon Morosi有问马林鱼 Pujols是否同意 但没得到回应
马林鱼给Pujols不可交易条款了 但红鸟似乎还有机会
Bosh, Wade, LeBron :: Bell, Reyes, Pujols?lol
starcry (天王星)
2011-02-07 05:59:00觉得普神穿马林鱼球衣很不搭阿...
SlamKai (Calm Violence)
2011-02-07 06:58:00齁齁齁
Marlins president David Samson countered Spencer,saying the team will not sign a free agent to a
deal including a no-trade clause.
作者: hikaruton (Tonia~黄色希卡鲁) 2011-02-07 09:18:00
作者: linmelissa (只懂孤独的感觉) 2011-02-07 12:13:00