Re: [闲聊] 日本人又来了... 中岛 裕之

楼主: Jason11982 ( )   2011-11-15 15:55:57
※ 引述《SeungYeon (我爱胜妍)》之铭言:
: 找到去年Patrick Newman在fangraphs上提到他是日职第二打者的这篇文章
: 贴上来大家可以在看看 原来还有写到陈伟殷..
: Norichika Aoki (OF, Yakult Swallows, 28) – In a post-Ichiro, post-Matsui
: NPB, Aoki reigns as the consensus top hitter. I’d actually go so far as to
: say that he”s the best pure hitter Japan has produced since Ichiro. Aoki is
: a line drive hitter with occasional power who uses the whole field. He’s
: also a disciplined batter, walking about as often as he strikes out, which is
: rare in Japan. Aoki is short and somewhat stocky at 5’7.5, 182 lbs, but is a
: good runner with tremendous range in the outfield. The only knock on his game
: is his rather weak throwing arm, which may limit him to left field at the MLB
: level. For video, I dug up some batting and fielding highlights and a
: breakdown of his swing on YouTube.
Norichika Aoki (OF, Yakult Swallows, 28) ─ 青木宣亲
者(discipline batter),保送几乎和三振一样多,这在日本是很少见的。青木有点矮胖
而结实,5' 7.5"" 、182 lbs,但是拥有一双快腿在外野的守备范围非常惊人。唯一能
: Hiroyuki Nakajima (SS, Seibu Lions, 28) – Nakajima gets my vote as Japan’s
: second best hitter, behind Aoki. Nakajima doesn’t quite match up with Aoki’
: s pure contact skill or plate discipline, but is still very good in both
: categories and adds a bit more gap power to the equation. Nakajima is a
: back-leg hitter, with a big stride that he will occasionally shorten up. On
: the turf, Nakajima plays a solid shortstop, among many good shortstops in his
: league. The best video I could find of Nakajima was this one, of him hitting
: an opposite field home run off Dicky Gonzales (I know, not the best
: competition). Also of note in the video, you can see that he’s made friends
: with teammate Dee Brown. The high-five routine they do after home runs shows
: up on Japanese highlight shows.
Hiroyuki Nakajima (SS, Seibu Lions, 28) ─ 中岛裕之
contact skill)和挥棒纪律没办法比得上青木,但在这两方面仍然相当不错;还多了一点
手。我曾经看过中岛最棒的影片是这样,对Dicky Gonzales打出了一支反方向的全垒打
(原作者按:我知道,这不是强度最高的一次对抗)。影片中还显示,他和Dee Brown交朋
友。全垒打之后的high-five routine出现在日本的highlight里。
: Wei-Yin Chen (LHP, Chunichi Dragons, 25) – Last offseason, Chen was probably
: the more outspoken about wanting to be posted than any other NPB player. Chen
: is Taiwanese, but signed with Chunichi as an amateur out of high school,
: apparently without any provisions to make him a free agent if he and the team
: can’t agree to a contract during the annual negotiations (as veteran foreign
: players who sign from 3A or Korea usually do). This is an unusual situation,
: but not unprecedented, as the first couple postings for Dominican players the
: Hiroshima Carp had signed as amateurs, including current Giant Ramon Ramirez.
: Chen does appear to be serious about MLB, as he hired agent Alan Nero last
: offseason, and I expect him to push to be posted again this year.
: Chen features NPB’s top lefty power arsenal, primarily throwing fastballs
: and sliders, while mixing in occasional forkballs and the random big, loopy
: curve. His fastball reaches 95 mph or so, but usually sits around 90-92,
: while his slider breaks in on righthanded batters and sits in the 85-87
: range. Chen has been letting his pitches get up in the zone much more this
: season, and is showing more of a flyball tendency than he did last year.
: The Chen video I have is two hours of game footage from his August 17 start,
: against Seth Greisinger and the Giants. The video occasionally switches to a
: Yokohama game, but still gives you a better sense of what Chen throws than a
: 10-minute highlight reel will.
Wei-Yin Chen (LHP, Chunichi Dragons, 25) ─ 陈伟殷
多明尼加球员,其中一名是现在仍在MLB巨人队的Ramon Ramirez。
陈伟殷认真的考虑MLB一事,他在上个球季结束后雇用了Alan Nero当经纪人,我猜他会在
指叉球,佐以随机的曲球。他的快速球可达到95 mph,但平均是在90~92之间。滑球能以
85~87 mph窜入右打者之中。陈伟殷本季将好球带设定的比较高,比去年增加了更多飞球的
作者: KeithTseng (㊣中直波尔㊣)   2010-01-15 16:03:00
作者: whalelover (哞哞哞哞王)   2010-01-15 16:05:00
应该是跟swing mechanics有关的词吧(?)
作者: Jimimy (.......)   2010-01-15 16:11:00
Hiroshima Carp是广岛鲤鱼 不是人名
作者: eon4 (崩星咆哮砲)   2010-01-15 16:12:00
顶尖左投军火库 能不能翻成 砲弹左投? 感觉意义比较接近
作者: herolgg (句点王)   2010-01-15 16:20:00
shorten up那边是指打击动作比较小的意思吗??
作者: abc12812   2010-01-15 16:27:00
power arsenal是说兵工厂队很强的意思
作者: LupinVI (AAAA)   2010-01-15 16:27:00
作者: itaiitai (心脏比头大)   2010-01-15 17:32:00
作者: darkness0918 (公馆方闻羶)   2010-01-15 17:46:00
作者: mytim0508 (甘草人物)   2010-01-15 18:39:00
应该是指挥棒之前 前跨脚会先往后缩再踩
作者: jojo2147 (d(_._)b)   2010-01-15 18:46:00
= = 楼上有看过他挥棒吗?
作者: DIorShi   2010-01-15 19:27:00
作者: Kinra (喵天使)   2010-01-15 19:42:00
作者: kutar3d (库塔)   2010-01-15 19:42:00
作者: FatBearInn (FBI胖熊旅店)   2010-01-15 20:58:00
shorten up是在一个形容stride的子句里 是指他有时会把大跨步缩小
作者: FatBearInn (FBI胖熊旅店)   2010-01-15 21:01:00
outspoken是直率表达 陈伟殷的第一句是说上个offseason
作者: FatBearInn (FBI胖熊旅店)   2010-01-15 21:02:00
作者: Hotsheep (魍魉)   2010-01-15 21:12:00
楼主: Jason11982 ( )   2010-01-15 21:13:00
作者: sarspieya521 (HANA)   2010-01-15 21:33:00
看了长知识 推!!
作者: MrChief (超几朴赛亚人)   2010-01-15 22:46:00
作者: Pujols5 (Albert Pujols)   2010-01-15 23:45:00
作者: LupinVI (AAAA)   2010-01-15 23:46:00
会签他的球队一定还是会把他当CF啦 就看实际打了能不能接
作者: LupinVI (AAAA)   2010-01-15 23:47:00
作者: tirple (Lynch)   2010-01-16 03:12:00
作者: jerryklu (鲁凯)   2010-01-16 03:25:00
作者: kuyung (无敌暴龙)   2010-01-16 10:48:00
作者: Apolina ( )   2010-01-16 12:06:00
楼主: Jason11982 ( )   2010-01-16 12:28:00
楼主: Jason11982 ( )   2010-01-16 12:29:00
所以究竟是? 有请比较熟悉日职的人解释一下
作者: wjp (Love Mi)   2010-01-16 12:46:00
原po原本是翻与中日签约成为业余球员 这意思有差耶...
楼主: Jason11982 ( )   2010-01-16 12:49:00
楼主: Jason11982 ( )   2010-01-16 12:52:00
作者: gerardo   2010-01-16 13:06:00
作者: wjp (Love Mi)   2010-01-16 13:31:00
签约完当然就算是职业选手啦 不管他是育成还是在一军/二军
作者: wjp (Love Mi)   2010-01-16 13:32:00
原文会这样写 应该是高中毕业通常需经过选秀 而陈伟殷不是
作者: wjp (Love Mi)   2010-01-16 13:33:00
但他也不是海外FA 所以...基本上是以美国的概念去形容他的状况

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