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2011-10-30 02:52:40http://bleacherreport.com/tb/bbJNF
EXCLUSIVE: This Is The MLB Agent Who Allegedly Used A Porn Star To Recruit
Potential Clients
The story of the baseball agent who allegedly used a porn star to recruit a
new client just got a little more interesting.
We've learned who that agent is.
Terry Bross of Gaylord Sports Management is the guy porn star Bibi Jones was
talking about when she said she an agent used her to land potential clients,
a source with direct knowledge of the situation told us.
Bross declined to comment on the allegations through GSM's lawyer last night.
Earlier this week, Jones explained in detail how an agent (who we now know is
Bross) took her out to bars with MLB players after almost every Arizona
Diamondbacks game in the spring and summer of 2010.
While she wasn't expected to have sex with players, Jones slept with "over
10" guys, a "couple" of whom she believes signed with Bross.
However Bross only signed one major client in 2010, Atlanta Braves second
baseman Dan Uggla — whom Jones said she slept with in a radio interview on
Uggla switched agents and signed with Bross on July 28, 2010, three weeks
after a road trip to Phoenix to play the Diamondbacks.
"He would kind of use me to get baseball players to sign with one of his
agents," she said about Bross on Monday.
Bibi was never paid by Bross. And when she described to relationship to us,
it appeared more social than business.
"It was just like I was arm candy for him. I was the one that wanted to hook
up with these guys," she said.
Nonetheless she says they "both knew what [they] were doing."
Bross pitched in the big leagues for awhile in the early 90s, and now
represents players like Bronson Arroyo, Brian Anderson, Bill Hall,
DJ Carrasco, and Uggla for GSM.
According to Jones:
He would just take me to a bar and introduce me after a Diamondbacks game in
Arizona. You know, baseball players would come and I’d introduce myself. And
then I got to hook up with baseball players and have fun. It was like a dream
come true because I love athletes and baseball’s my favorite sport.
Was his relationship with Jones a business tactic?
Was he "using" her? Or just keeping her close by in a benign attempt to form
relationships with players?
With Bross declining to comment and Jones admitting that she "didn't really
look at it like that," those questions remain unanswered.