ST. LOUIS (AP/CBS) — Boston’s David Ortiz has won this year’s Roberto
Clemente award, given annually to a major league player who gives back
through community service and also excels on the field.
Ortiz is the second straight Red Sox player to win the honor, announced
Thursday before Game 2 of the World Series. Pitcher Tim Wakefield won last
“I think all of us are here for a reason. We always get put in situations, it
’s not just for us to be successful, it’s for us to open our hands and help
somebody else,” Ortiz said after receiving the award. “I think every single
major league player in the big leagues should try to help somebody out,
because we all have somebody we need to look out for.”
Clemente was a Hall of Fame right fielder with the Pittsburgh Pirates. He
died in a plane crash on New Year’s Eve 1972 while trying to deliver food
and relief supplies to earthquake victims in Nicaragua. He finished his
career with exactly 3,000 hits.