After the Yankees finally got their first hit off Max Scherzer — a Robinson
Cano flare to left in the sixth inning — Alex Rodriguez came up for the
third time in Sunday’s Game 2 and popped out to shallow right. He’s now
0-for-7 with a walk in the series.
This isn’t about A-Rod choking. This is about the future Hall of Famer
being banged up and ineffective. He hit .191/.345/.353 with three homers in
68 at-bats after coming off the disabled list in August. He finished the
season 6-for-32 with one homer in nine games after returning from a thumb
So, it’s past time for Joe Girardi to react. If Rodriguez starts hitting, he
can always be moved back up to the cleanup spot. However, he has no business
being there right now, and one can expect right-handers to start pitching
around No. 3 hitter Robinson Cano if the Yankees leave him there. Mark
Teixeira is the better option right now.