Going into tonight’s action, the common assumptions seems to be that the
Yankees are going to coast on into the playoffs. They have already clinched
the division and home field advantage, and since they got most of their
regular starters and bullpen arms work yesterday, they have little incentive
to play their hardest on Wednesday night. Why work yourselves hard in a
meaningless game? Why risk injuries to your players when you have nothing to
play for?
But I’m not sure that the predominating narrative is correct in this case.
Joe Girardi has already said that he’s planning on starting many of his
regulars tonight — although who knows how long he’ll keep them in the game
— and he seems to be practicing some “gamesmanship” by choosing not to
announce his starter until closer to game time. Could it be that the Yankees
are treating tonight’s game more seriously than many people are assuming?
If they are, I have to tip my cap to the Yanks for looking past their history
with the Red Sox and realizing the larger fact: it’s in their own best
interest if the Red Sox to make the playoffs.
That’s right, Yankees fans. As horrible as it may sound, you should probably
be rooting for the Red Sox tonight.
I’m sure this thought has already crossed most people’s minds, as the Red
Sox have been a walking (and fielding, and pitching, and hitting) disaster
this past month. It’s in the Yankees’ best interests to have the weakest
teams possible make the playoffs, as it would theoretically make their march
toward the World Series even easier. And right now, what team wouldn’t like
their odds against the Red Sox?
Of course, the case can be made that the club is still incredibly talented —
they likely have a higher true-talent level than the Rays, although it’s a
debatable point at the moment — and could easily get on a roll in the
postseason. If it’s true that the Red Sox’s pitchers have been choking on
the pressure (Nate Silver found some possible evidence yesterday), then maybe
reaching the postseason would allow them to relax and go back to being a
dominant team. Anything can happen in the playoffs, right?
But if I were the Yankees, I’d prefer the Red Sox to make the postseason for
one simple reason: the Rays’ rotation. Take a look at this potential
The Rays have their rotation lined up perfectly at the moment so Shields
could start Game 1 on the ALDS on regular rest, and Price could be moved
ahead to Game 2 and only miss one day of rest (or start Game 3 on regular
rest). And while Jeremy Hellickson is easily the weakest link of the bunch, it
’s worth remembering that he was one of the top prospects in the game coming
into the season and he has the potential to be dominating when on.
And as for Matt Moore, he’s the ultimate ace in the hole. The Rays could use
him out of the bullpen like they did with David Price in 2008, but Moore is a
much more complete and refined pitcher than Price was back then. He struck
out 11 Yankees over five innings in his first major league start, and he’s
only at around 160 IP on the season (144 IP last season). Considering Wade
Davis and Jeff Niemann have both been inconsistent at best, Moore seems the
natural fit for the #4 slot.
What team right now would want to face that rotation in a short series?
Certainly not me. It has the potential to be the most dominant AL rotation in
the postseason (although the Phillies and Giants have it beat in the NL), and
the Rays’ bullpen has also been rounding into shape recently with a 3.47 ERA
/ 3.90 FIP over the last month. Kyle Farnsworth and Joel Peralta form a
shutdown duo at the back of the ‘pen, and Jake McGee and Brandon Gomes have
both begun to realize their potential.
While the Rays’ offense isn’t nearly as strong as Boston’s, their pitching
staff is much, much stronger at the moment and is lined up well for the
postseason. Even if the Red Sox made the playoffs, they’d have to scramble
for Game One and wouldn’t be able to start Jon Lester until Game 3 at the
earliest. Right now, they simply look like a weaker and less prepared playoff
club than the Rays.
Pick your poison, Yankee fans. But if I were you, I’d think hard before
rejoicing if the Red Sox miss the playoffs.
OoyaoO (ä½ ä»Šå¤©å´©æ½°äº†å—Ž 囧)
2011-09-29 13:19:00果然很快就被拿出来讲了XD
armyguy (å年後的大居)
2011-09-29 13:19:00打了才知道,这有什么好讲的,季后赛不同玩法
作者: ust (应经游侠魂) 2011-09-29 13:20:00
本来赢7分还进延长 是有多EASY??
说真的 是会碰到了吗 是有人看不起TB吗 现在发这种文加上最后一段那种威胁的语气 只会让人觉得又是一个hater
su43123 (无与伦比美丽的妳)
2011-09-29 13:22:00过度解读 不过就是一场例行赛
samtony (kane)
2011-09-29 13:22:00看来又是一个酸袜 呵呵
gorhow (☑一日牛迷)
2011-09-29 13:22:00崩溃了吗
OoyaoO (ä½ ä»Šå¤©å´©æ½°äº†å—Ž 囧)
2011-09-29 13:23:00不过自己九月领先九场 只要打个五成别人也没机会搞你
poison what? 为了值得尊敬的强敌老虎队作调整不可以吗
作者: willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一æµ) 2011-09-29 13:23:00
作者: asdfzx (nbtgf) 2011-09-29 13:23:00
su43123 (无与伦比美丽的妳)
2011-09-29 13:23:00崩溃哭哭别人前先看看自己打什么成绩吧
Cowyau (人间失格)
2011-09-29 13:23:00酸酸无国度
krizarlid (Let's Go Cubs !)
2011-09-29 13:24:00哈 说起来算是消化试合拉 其实有没有都无所谓了
krajicek (回忆比真实精彩)
2011-09-29 13:24:00Papelbon自己也BS,没啥好怪的
作者: willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一æµ) 2011-09-29 13:24:00
洋基最重要的 adventage 就是牛棚跟打线,为什么要挑在#162
mathrew (Joey)
2011-09-29 13:24:00崩溃了
作者: willyt (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一æµ) 2011-09-29 13:25:00
krizarlid (Let's Go Cubs !)
2011-09-29 13:25:00老实说不该怪NYY不认真打 自己赢球还有机会 结果...
作者: jpseek (as you wish) 2011-09-29 13:25:00
废文一篇 崩溃袜迷不分国界
2011-09-29 13:25:00就算故意输的也爽啊 红袜进不了就送啊 XDDDDDDDD
sxxs (有些话想说在老去之前~)
2011-09-29 13:26:00他崩溃了(拍)
ccpz (OoOoOo)
2011-09-29 13:29:00要怪就怪自己不多赢两场,那就不用求 NYY 了
都已经确定拿到美联季后赛全主场优势 还需要全力以赴打一场无关紧要的比赛?好见地
gorhow (☑一日牛迷)
2011-09-29 13:33:00宝贝碰不要bs 都还能加赛耶 自己不争气呀
作者: javasakino (*) 2011-09-29 13:34:00
崩溃的蛮惨的 ^_<*
yankeefat (本人内建试制51cm连装砲)
2011-09-29 13:35:00崩溃了wwww
Yukirin (いい天気!)
2011-09-29 13:35:00怪我溜~^_^
poplc 2011-09-29 13:39:00话说有袜迷怪洋基放水吗? 那自己球队输要怪自己放水?
Drak (Charles)
2011-09-29 13:44:00楼上你确定没有吗..
2011-09-29 13:45:00光芒今天打的很好,季后赛各凭本事,哪来看轻光芒
richjf (jeff)
2011-09-29 13:45:00有反串、反反串 真是够精彩的....
作者: ps20012001 (开始想明年新计画) 2011-09-29 13:46:00
其实以近况来看 说不定放袜袜过关反而安全 @@
rayven (掷筊才是真正云端运算)
2011-09-29 13:46:00诅咒文?
rayven (掷筊才是真正云端运算)
2011-09-29 13:47:00季后赛等于重新洗牌,谁跟你近况
rayven (掷筊才是真正云端运算)
2011-09-29 13:49:00为什么老是有人故意忘记同区季后赛第一轮不会碰到
poplc 2011-09-29 13:53:00真的要体谅袜迷心情 自家球队季赛最后一天被踢出门外不崩溃还真不是袜迷
OoyaoO (ä½ ä»Šå¤©å´©æ½°äº†å—Ž 囧)
2011-09-29 13:55:00完全没人关心勇士今天也被淘汰的事
作者: vou89kot 2011-09-29 14:03:00
这板有人敢战勇士吗? 也不看看这里谁作镇!
作者: fjjkk (PEACE) 2011-09-29 14:03:00
呵呵 以为斧头被淘汰是大家意料中的事情
2011-09-29 14:04:00宝贝碰已经连续出赛了,说他不认真太苛责囉
作者: fjjkk (PEACE) 2011-09-29 14:05:00
简而言之2011 Boston Red Sox = 2011 Miami Heat
作者: Aroman (露出曙光) 2011-09-29 14:05:00
作者: fjjkk (PEACE) 2011-09-29 14:22:00
Sechslee (ï½·ï¾€â”â”(゚∀゚)â”â”!!)
2011-09-29 15:13:00外卡再怎样也要打到ALCS才有机会碰到 你也帮洋基想太多了
Sechslee (ï½·ï¾€â”â”(゚∀゚)â”â”!!)
2011-09-29 15:14:00季后赛就是他妈的运气 这种文章只让人觉得可悲
kawo (无主神殿)
2011-09-29 16:06:00写了一堆分析光芒的东西伪装 就只是酸袜的崩溃文-w-
kawo (无主神殿)
2011-09-29 16:07:00就乖乖承认现在的红袜表现是个大烂队 不够格进入季后不就好了
rayven (掷筊才是真正云端运算)
2011-09-29 16:09:00楼上,至少在这48小时之内很难
Minamii (mianmi)
2011-09-29 17:23:00洋基真正要关心的是要大猫 谁管你红袜还光芒进
Herlin (性感猪猪)
2011-09-29 17:24:00这真的想太多了 重点是第一轮又不会碰到
Herlin (性感猪猪)
2011-09-29 17:25:00什么rotation align 根本不关洋基的事嘛 那是别人的事情
"RedSox Shouldn’t Take It Easy On The September"
作者: RookieRun 2011-09-29 18:41:00
Red Sox Shouldn't Take It Easy On The Orioles
fetoyeh (小叶)
2011-09-29 20:25:00光看标题觉得是崩溃文 XD
作者: nullspace 2011-09-29 23:55:00