I have tried to be the voice of reason. I have tried to calm the masses,
telling Red Sox Nation not to worry about the Sox making the playoffs this
year. A little slump in September was a mere speed bump en route to the
Division Series. It was all about who would be the Sox Game 3 starter, and
would you rather play the Rangers or the Tigers in the first round?
Now it is very different. It is the Fall of Saigon. It is potentially one of
those apocalyptic, cataclysmic falls that marked the eight-plus decades of
frustration and near-misses before the Red Sox finally threw off the
800-pound gorilla and won the World Series in 2004. It might be time to
panic; for the first time since the world changed when Johnny Damon and the
Idiots pulled off the biblical comeback of 2004.
The 2011 Red Sox have lost nine of 11 and 11 of 14. They have seen their
wild-card lead dwindle to a mere two games. Tampa Bay took three of four from
the Sox at Fenway over the weekend, and the Rays are closer than they've been
at any time since June 30.
Suddenly, there is fear and loathing again in Sox Nation. It feels a little
like 1948, 1974 and (gulp) 1978. We thought this would never happen again
after the ghosts were purged in 2004, but the 2011 Red Sox are on the
threshold of the greatest September collapse in baseball history.
That's right, boys and girls. This could be worst of the worst. The Red Sox
led the Rays by nine games on the morning of Sept. 3, and no team in baseball
history has failed to make the postseason after holding a nine-game lead in
So this could be worse than the '51 Dodgers, worse than the '64 Phillies and
worse than the 1978 Red Sox.
Ah, the '78 Sox. Those were the guys who led the Yankees by 14 games on July
20, then wound up tied for first and lost a one-game playoff to the Bronx
Bombers when Bucky Dent hit a three-run homer over the Green Monster.
Those were the days when we expected the Sox to choke. The leaves would fall,
and the Sox would fall
goopa (除此之外)
2011-09-19 11:36:00其实看红袜版的讨论就知道,红袜最近的战绩只是反应出被伤兵
goopa (除此之外)
2011-09-19 11:37:00拖累后的真实战力而已,没有什么摆烂或轻敌的状况...投手群一天到晚被打全垒打是有点糟,但也要看看这阵子他们都
goopa (除此之外)
2011-09-19 11:38:00推哪些人上来投,老的老,少的少,还有一台发球机...所以其实也不用太悲观,毕竟还有两场胜差在手
goopa (除此之外)
2011-09-19 11:39:00只要等伤兵归队,战力正常发挥,把可以赢的比赛都赢下来那主动权还是掌握在红袜手上
话说你只要在这四连战看的到袜袜投手 都被HR过- -
goopa (除此之外)
2011-09-19 11:42:00不过光芒季初前十场打完只有2胜8败,在全联盟垫底...如果说最后真的能展现大逆转打入季后赛...
goopa (除此之外)
2011-09-19 11:43:00无论拉下的是红袜还是洋基,都是一段佳话...
TimChiu (你笑起来好可爱)
2011-09-19 11:45:00有SHAUGHNESSY加持, 袜袜进军季后赛没问题了
goopa (除此之外)
2011-09-19 11:46:00季初两队都是两胜八败 平分秋色 没有什更惨啦
goopa (除此之外)
2011-09-19 11:48:00不过若是两队2胜8败的最后都打入季后赛的话,那就更有趣了
The batting stance guy 扮的 Shaughnessy 超爆笑
作者: Orcish (Azulgrana) 2011-09-19 12:33:00
红袜开季前13场 除了一场PPD 2胜10败 的确更惨
leritas (终结不了孤单)
2011-09-19 12:52:00拉下洋基 有可能吗?! 机率太低了 就算劳赛 洋基也会有外卡