※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之铭言:
: http://tinyurl.com/3ushms3
: The Indians have been among the more aggressive teams in the waivers process.
: Not only did they claim and acquire via trade old Indians star Jim Thome,
: potentially providing a nice ending to what looks like a Hall of Fame career,
: they also claimed Jason Kubel (although they were unable to consummate a
: trade with the Twins). Reportedly, they also got the claim on B.J. Upton, who
: is likely to be traded in the winter when several teams will be bidding,
: including non contenders. The Indians' aggressiveness should be admired. But
: so far, says a scout, "Ubaldo Jimenez looks like a No. 4 starter'' in the
: American League.
: 去年洛矶的ACE竟然被评为这样...
U-Ball 到了笑脸后被发现有些投球机制的问题需修改,受 delivery 跑掉的影响
另外就是可能季初的伤势还没完全好,这些问题也是需要一个 offseason 去康复。
但说到只能当 AL No.4?应该不至于啦,起码转台后三振还丢不少,应可以再期
待一下,不过近几年季中转台的大物投手 (e.g. CC, Lee, Oswalt) 中他算是前