accprote (宗痛好酸灵)
2011-07-10 15:30:28Francisco Rodriguez has changed agents. MLB.com's Adam Berry and Anthony
DiComo report that the Mets' closer has signed on with Scott Boras after
having been represented by Paul Kinzer of Wasserman Media Group.
Rodriguez, 29, is scheduled to become a free agent after the season as long
as his $17.5MM option for 2012 does not vest. He needs to finish 55 games for
the option to kick in, and right now he's at 34 and on pace for 62. K-Rod's
name has popped up in trade rumors all year and that figures to continue this
month, so the option could become moot if he's dealt to a team that would use
him as a setup man.
Yesterday we learned that K-Rod and Boras met in Los Angeles earlier this
week. Boras has also been trying to snag Jose Reyes, another impending free
agent. Check out our Agency Database for a list of Boras and WMG clients.
已经捞很大捞不用钱的K-Rod换了新经纪人$cott Bora$
Bora$也努力拉拢Jose Reyes
作者: andy80209 (天地不容的存在) 2011-07-10 15:52:00
作者: rexseraphim (Rex) 2011-07-10 16:44:00
作者: RAYWU321 (RAY) 2011-07-10 16:54:00
st6012 (高町疾风)
2011-07-10 17:18:00资方的头痛人物 劳方的英雄...
cutemie ( 熊 庹!)
2011-07-10 17:59:00Boras退休可以写本自传来看看XD 传奇人物
作者: star01 (运动宅 电影宅) 2011-07-10 20:12:00
作者: dogs6 2011-07-10 21:20:00
作者: lolity 2011-07-11 01:49:00