wazowski (ludan)
2011-07-08 18:39:29※ 引述《colin79813 (kjam)》之铭言:
: 你还漏掉了一个事情
: 最近勇士队SP
: Tim Hudson对决金莺队的时候
: 在投手丘上滑了一跤的画面
: http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=16526175
: 结果便宜老将却是笑翻了XDD
节译该场赛后访问 (完整全文: http://0rz.tw/HIR8a )
- 2011/05/04, MIL 0 @ ATL 8,
面对伤愈复出本季初登板的 Greinke,
Hudson 投出本季勇士先发阵的第一场 1-hit shutout.
- 2011/06/20, TOR 0 @ ATL 2,
Hudson 前八局只被敲一支安打, 本来要挑战本季第二场 1-hit shutout,
结果九局被敲第二支安打接着送出 BB 后退场. Kimbrel saved it.
另一方面, 在蓝鸟先发 Romero 的压制下,
勇士全场唯二的分数来自 Hudson 狙击 Romero 第一个直球扫出的两分砲.
自此之后 Hudson 就在 clubhouse 秋起来, 不时会屁一下那支两分砲. XD
- 2011/07/01, BAL 0 @ ATL 4,
在 Heyward 两分弹的支援下, Jair Jurrjens 投出生涯第一场 CG SHO,
也是本季勇士先发阵的第二场 1-hit shutout.
Hudson 开玩笑地屁说如果 JJJ 可以自己敲一支两分砲完成完封胜会更好点.
- 2011/07/02, BAL 4 @ ATL 5, 也就是影片中 Hudson 在投手丘上犁田的这场.
该场比赛勇士藉著捕手 David Ross 二局下的逆转满贯砲胜出.
David Ross
On making sure Huddy can’t do all the trash-talking (about his HR vs.
关于敲出满贯砲帮助球队和 Huddy 拿下胜投, 省的臭屁话都是 Huddy 一个人在说:
“That episode in the first inning with him slipping, he better not talk
about that home run because he’s going to hear about the sniper that got
him from the upper deck. I’ve never been more embarrassed for a teammate
than when I saw him fall in front of a sold-out crowd on firework night.”
"在第一局他在投手丘上滑倒那一幕发生后, 他以后最好不要再秋他那支全垒打,
On being nice when he went out there:
走向投手丘关心时, 维持风度, 不要(ㄎㄠˊ)(ㄙㄝˋ)他:
“I said, ‘Are you all right?’ Well he’s old. He’s got bad hips and
knees and stuff. He said, ‘My ego is a little hurt.’ Then I started
laughing. Me and the umpire were kidding about him the whole time. I’m
just glad he kept his composure.”
"我说, '你还好吧?' 他老了嘛. 他屁股会酸, 膝盖不好, 之类的.
他说, '我的自尊有点受伤.' 然后我笑了.
我和主审整场比赛都在拿他开玩笑. 很高兴他能保持冷静继续投球."
On if his first inning “pitch” will have a name:
“The invisi-ball. It was pretty (cruddy). But it happens every now and
again. It happens to me pretty often the way my delivery is. My front leg
is close to the ground whenever I go home, and every now and then the spike
is a little bit longer than I’m used to and it catches.”
"消失的魔球. 那颗实在颇鸟. 可是那种情形三不五时会发生.
以我的投球动作来说还蛮常发生的. 我往本垒板前踏时左腿离地很近,
有时候钉鞋的钉子比我习惯的来得长, 就卡到了."
On what he’s thinking when that happens:
“Don’t throw, if there’s nobody on base. If you hold onto it, it’s
nothing. You just look like a big stooge out there….you have to laugh
about it. You can’t take yourself seriously when something like that
happens. I’m a pretty happy-go-lucky guy out there anyways. I feel like I
gave everybody a little entertainment for one moment right there anyways.”
"垒上没跑者, 别把球投出去. 如果球没离手就没事. 只是看起来很白痴就是了...
你只能笑笑. 那种蠢事发生时你不能太(ㄍㄧㄥ).
我反正本来就蛮是快乐打球的那型. 我想我当时为大家带来了片刻的欢乐."
On what Ross said:
“He asked me how I felt and if I was hurt. I told him my feelings were
hurt a little bit. But other than that I was fine. I’m sure my kids got a
kick out of it.”
"他问我觉得如何, 有没受伤. 我告诉他我的心灵有点受伤. 除此之外一切还好.