[转录][翻译] 无处可去的男人们阿 (上)

楼主: colin79813 (kjam)   2011-07-03 00:01:20
※ [本文转录自 Athletics 看板 #1E1UyVRJ ]
作者: umin (Turn!Turn!Turn!) 看板: Athletics
标题: [翻译] 无处可去的男人们阿 (上)
时间: Sat Jun 25 22:22:19 2011
Nowhere men
Clock is ticking: Oakland A's have an expiring lease and no deal for a new
时间一分一秒流逝: Oakland A's拥有一份要到期的租约,新球场没有下落
By Howard Bryant
After 43 years, the Athletics say Oakland represents the past and the future
lies in San Jose. The San Francisco Giants believe San Jose belongs to them.
For more than two years, Bud Selig has not made a decision, but the clock is
ticking on a team that has nowhere to go.
43年后,运动家队表示奥克兰 (Oakland)代表着过去,他们的未来在圣荷西(San Jose)
。旧金山巨人队深信圣荷西属于他们。两年多过去了,Bud Selig没做出决定,但时间一
NEAR THE END OF LAST SUMMER, Carl Guardino, the 49-year-old president of the
Silicon Valley Leadership Group, sent a letter to baseball commissioner Bud
Selig. Guardino is from San Jose, born and raised, attended the now-defunct
Blackford High School and then stayed home for college at San Jose State
University. As a kid, he watched the old minor league San Jose Missions. As
a man he remembers his blue-collar childhood: packing picnic baskets of tuna
sandwiches in the family's wood-paneled station wagon in the late 1960s and
early '70s to drive to Candlestick Park to watch the San Francisco Giants.
去年夏季接近尾声时,49岁的硅谷领袖集团 (Silicon Valley Leadership Group)总裁
Carl Guardino送了封信给大联盟主席Bud Selig。Guardino来自圣荷西,在那出生、长
大,就读于现在已不存在的Blackford High School,然后留在家中唸圣荷西州大。小时
候他观看小联盟球队San Jose Missions。成年后,他记得那蓝领童年 (译注: San Jose
Missions的球衣): 60年代末期以及70年代初,将装有鲔鱼三明治的野餐篮放在家中的休
旅车中,开往Candlestick Park观看旧金山巨人比赛
Guardino approached Selig not as a fan but as an advocate of the third-largest
city in California (behind Los Angeles and San Diego) and the 10th-largest
city in the nation to make an argument: his San Jose, long ago a dusty
San Francisco outpost, now had been grown up for 20 years
作者: ThomasHSNU (mimura *^^*)   2011-06-25 22:51:00
推 之前在AN看到还没看~
作者: umin (Turn!Turn!Turn!)   2011-06-25 22:54:00
我也是在AN看到的 对我们来说可以从另一个角度关心A's所以就献丑了...
作者: ThomasHSNU (mimura *^^*)   2011-06-25 23:00:00
还是要跟我之前提倡的 照三餐拿圣教主像出来膜拜Orz
作者: umin (Turn!Turn!Turn!)   2011-06-25 23:07:00
AN "On and Off"那篇底下五楼,请大家每天寄信给圣教主XD
作者: A1pha ([αλφα])   2011-06-26 01:18:00
作者: searoar (暗坑大豆)   2011-06-26 22:55:00
来台湾吧 我说Selig
作者: andynanpa (半个月亮)   2011-06-30 02:47:00
小弟本人刚好救住湾区, 说真的....巨人坚持的所谓领土权
作者: andynanpa (半个月亮)   2011-06-30 02:48:00
我是觉得有点好笑, 绿帽和老人的球迷层算区分的蛮清楚,
作者: andynanpa (半个月亮)   2011-06-30 02:49:00
而且本来就这么近了, 要抢球迷的话早几百年前就抢完了.
作者: jemc1905 (karma)   2011-07-03 00:07:00
作者: immortalqq (大牛)   2011-07-03 00:11:00
只能说Selig sucks!!! 好歹回个信吧 没礼貌的家伙
作者: airplanes (仁者无敌)   2011-07-03 00:22:00
推..."这告诉我经营独占事业一定相当棒" XD
作者: SULICon (監工小學徒(〞︶〝*))   2011-07-03 00:35:00
作者: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2011-07-03 00:37:00
put a shovel in the ground就是动土压~
作者: geneaven (geneaven)   2011-07-03 00:44:00
作者: duo131 (比克大魔王)   2011-07-03 11:45:00
作者: BMHSEA (Ciao)   2011-07-03 13:01:00
作者: camouflage   2011-07-03 16:53:00

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