[外电] 洋基肥龙Colon使用争议疗法: 注射干细胞

楼主: fifth   2011-05-12 09:40:11
Disputed Treatment Used in Colon’s Comeback
BOCA RATON, Fla. — A year ago, Bartolo Colon, once one of major league
baseball’s more durable starting pitchers, looked close to the end of the
line: he had struggled with injuries after 2005, and elbow surgery had kept
him out of baseball for the entire 2010 season.
The Yankees signed Colon in January after he pitched during the off-season in
the Dominican Republic. His fastball — often registering at 93 miles per
hour or better — appeared to be back. The 37-year-old Colon has gone 2-0,
with an earned run average of 3.81, since being inserted into the club’s
starting rotation.
A doctor in Florida would like to take some of the credit. Joseph R. Purita,
an orthopedic surgeon who runs a regenerative medicine clinic in Boca Raton,
said he and a team of Dominican doctors that he led treated Colon in April
2010. Purita said he employed what he regards as one of his more pioneering
techniques: he used fat and bone marrow stem cells from Colon, injecting them
back into Colon’s elbow and shoulder to help repair ligament damage and a
torn rotator cuff.
Purita said he flew to the Dominican Republic and performed the procedures
for free, doing it at the behest of a medical technology company based in
Massachusetts that he has done business with for several years. Purita, who
has used human growth hormone in such treatments, said in an interview that
that he had not done so in Colon’s case. The use of human growth hormone is
banned by baseball.
“This is not hocus-pocus,” Purita said in an interview here. “This is the
future of sports medicine, in particular. Here it is that I got a guy back
playing baseball and throwing pitches at 95 miles an hour.”
Purita said that he has treated at least two dozen professional athletes over
the years, mostly baseball and football players, and that he has never given
any of them H.G.H.
“I just won’t give it to these guys,” Purita said. “I don’t need the
stigma and that kind of reputation.”
For the last few years, baseball and other sports, while fighting to limit
the use of performance-enhancing drugs, have been faced with a new and murky
challenge: players getting sophisticated blood treatments, often from doctors
whose practices involve the regular use of H.G.H.
Brian Cashman, the Yankees’ general manager, said Wednesday that he had not
known of Colon’s medical treatment when the club signed him. Cashman said
Colon’s agent, aware that The New York Times was working on an article about
the procedure and Purita’s role, had notified him recently of the procedure.
Cashman said he had, in response, informed Major League Baseball.
“The Yankees did notify us and we are looking into it,” said Pat Courtney,
a spokesman for Major League Baseball.
In October, a federal grand jury in Buffalo indicted Anthony Galea, a
Canadian doctor, on charges that he provided many of the professional
athletes he treated between July 2007 and September 2009 with human growth
hormone and unapproved drugs. Galea was unlicensed to practice in the United
States and yet had developed a reputation for helping athletes recover from
injuries by using a blood-spinning technique known as platelet-rich plasma
therapy. The athletes he treated included Alex Rodriguez, Tiger Woods, Jose
Reyes, Carlos Beltran and the Olympic swimmer Dara Torres.
Those athletes have denied receiving H.G.H. Galea has acknowledged using
H.G.H. himself but has denied providing any performance-enhancing drugs to
professional athletes.
Purita, 61, graduated from Georgetown University Medical School. His clinic
here offers the use of stem cells and platelet-rich plasma therapy, or
P.R.P., as an alternative to surgery or in combination with it.
Purita uses P.R.P. injections with H.G.H. to treat many ligament, tendinitis
and arthritic conditions, as well as muscle injuries and torn rotator cuffs.
He said that P.R.P. and H.G.H. are both effective in supplementing stem cell
therapy in certain individuals.
Purita said he has treated athletes with the Baltimore Ravens, the Miami
Dolphins, the Chicago White Sox and the Texas Rangers in recent years.
About 14 months ago, Purita said, Harvest Technologies Corp., a Massachusetts
company that has done work in the adult stem cell field, contacted him.
Purita said the company told him that a doctor in the Dominican Republic,
Leonel Liriano, was looking to get Colon treated.
Colon, who has twice won 20 games in a season in his career, had struggled
with injuries after winning the 2005 American League Cy Young award. In the
next four seasons, he made only 48 appearances with three different teams. An
elbow injury sidelined him for the final two months of the 2009 season, and
he did not play at all in the majors in 2010.
Purita said he agreed to go to the Dominican Republic to work with Liriano
and treat Colon.
“It was not that it was illegal to do the procedure here in the United
States,” Purita said. “He was just living in the Dominican Republic.
Everything was above board.
“Colon said he wanted to get back into baseball,” Purita recalled. “He
could not throw the ball without horrible pain, but he felt he still had
something left in the can, so to speak. I told Colon this will be a lot less
painful than facing Derek Jeter. He said: ‘Derek Jeter? He has never been a
problem for me. I always strike him out.’ ”
Liriano, a physician at Clinica Union Medica in the city of Santiago, where
the procedure was done, said a cardiologist, a general surgeon, an
anesthesiologist and an orthopedic surgeon were also present for the
“He showed us how to do the procedure,” Liriano said of Purita. “This was
the highest-profile athlete I had worked on. I had done some Dominican
basketball players before that.”
Some experts in the field were cautious in assessing the efficacy of such
stem cell treatment.
Dr. Freddie H. Fu, chairman of the department of orthopedic surgery at the
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and the University of Pittsburgh
Medical Center, said, “Bone marrow is a good source of stem cells, but I don
’t think there is any definitive evidence to show that it will benefit a
condition like this.”
Fu added: “You need more of a scientific study. Just the use of this
generally should not be done because it is not shown to be effective. In this
case, we don’t know how the body’s natural healing abilities, along with
the player’s own training, influenced the outcome. We know how stem cells
work in cancer and AIDS patients. But in sports, we just don’t know. There
is a lot of hype.”
Purita said that once the procedure was done — it lasted roughly 45 minutes,
he said — the results were evident.
“We had him start working out within the first month,” Purita said. “Then
I am hearing that he is starting to pitch, and then I hear that he is
starting to tear them up in the Dominican league. But I said with a rotator
cuff tear and a bad elbow, I don’t know about him getting back into the
Colon was pitching for a Dominican winter ball team managed by Tony Pena, the
longtime Yankee coach. Eventually, the Yankees signed him to a contract for
$900,000, a relative bargain.
Once the season started, Colon’s role grew in importance. He has taken Phil
Hughes’s spot in the rotation, and been a considerable surprise. He is
scheduled to start Friday night’s game against the Red Sox at Yankee Stadium.
Colon, whose English is limited, answered only, “I don’t know, I don’t
know,” when asked last week about his medical treatment in the Dominican
Republic. He was not available in the team’s clubhouse Wednesday evening.
“I feel in my heart and my soul, his performance has been because of the
treatment,” Liriano said. “You see that his fastball is about 95 or 96
miles per hour. It is a miracle, no?”
Purita, for his part, is proud, but less conclusive.
“This is not just about what we did,” he said. “We gave him the means, but
he has the focus and desire, the killer instinct. He worked his tail off to
get back in the game. That is something stem cells cannot fix.”
Colon’s agent, Mitch Frankel, agreed. “The doctor feels that it definitely
gave him a jump start to his improvement, although for me, personally, I don’
t think Bartolo was focused on baseball mentally or physically for the last
few years,” Frankel said. “I believe the problem was that and not his
pitching. And I think once he made that determination, you can see the
Still, Liriano said he was hopeful he could persuade the retired Pedro
Martinez to undergo the treatment and consider a return.
“I have not gotten any response yet,” Liriano said. “We are focusing on
high-profile athletes whose best years are gone.”
作者: cloudyst (水中沙)   2011-05-12 09:42:00
作者: hllmayday (人生海海)   2011-05-12 09:42:00
让我想到有一集southpark 黄任中喝脐带血XD
作者: lolity   2011-05-12 09:43:00
作者: charlie01   2011-05-12 09:45:00
作者: dewking (OHMYGOD)   2011-05-12 09:49:00
John Lackey也来是一发好吗
楼主: fifth   2011-05-12 09:50:00
torn rotator cuff也能完全医好的话 真的是太强了
作者: Westmoreland (Westy)   2011-05-12 09:52:00
太棒了 姜雷基有救了
作者: wawapupu (玉韫珠藏)   2011-05-12 09:53:00
发球基来一发后变成超级发球基 ?
作者: ckevint (Can't live w/o music)   2011-05-12 09:54:00
作者: cloudyst (水中沙)   2011-05-12 09:54:00
雷基很好阿 这样都要来一针 又不是打葡萄糖
作者: Betances (Dellin Betances)   2011-05-12 09:55:00
作者: meier0112 (meier)   2011-05-12 09:57:00
Pedro Martinez !
作者: ishimaru   2011-05-12 10:13:00
作者: sxxs (有些话想说在老去之前~)   2011-05-12 10:13:00
作者: dragon0147 (持刀抱剑了一生)   2011-05-12 10:15:00
作者: pikachu123 (pika)   2011-05-12 10:15:00
作者: Atropos0723 (Atropos)   2011-05-12 10:20:00
作者: sam9595 (帕帕)   2011-05-12 10:24:00
作者: sin1209 (一头身)   2011-05-12 10:28:00
作者: alejandroW (Mr.乔)   2011-05-12 10:29:00
结果这样可以回春 巨怪复出
作者: Vierro (卡卡)   2011-05-12 10:32:00
作者: asd25 (别闹了)   2011-05-12 10:46:00
Lackey比肥龙 还需要 科科
作者: mdbbd   2011-05-12 10:58:00
满神的 一针回春 又能喷95.96
作者: tigertiger (虎虎)   2011-05-12 11:00:00
Backer可以放心操投手囉 操爆打个针就好了
作者: ckevint (Can't live w/o music)   2011-05-12 11:00:00
干细胞使用本来就有争议 这不是药 但还不能这样用
作者: tigertiger (虎虎)   2011-05-12 11:02:00
作者: prereality (大鼠买一送一)   2011-05-12 11:04:00
作者: if2 (祈福兔)   2011-05-12 11:04:00
作者: honey4617912 (h.4)   2011-05-12 11:11:00
作者: oscarlin (阿舜)   2011-05-12 11:14:00
MLB外传之生化人大战 XD
作者: wangfan3 (阿前)   2011-05-12 11:16:00
作者: Ginola (Dazz Band)   2011-05-12 11:30:00
作者: chigo520 (CHIGO)   2011-05-12 11:32:00
这算药么? 还是算一种治疗
作者: j07242054 (啾啾)   2011-05-12 11:35:00
作者: iso903306 (要发达)   2011-05-12 11:43:00
那王贞治也可以复出了 900HR XD
作者: lynked (左手不只是辅助而已)   2011-05-12 11:59:00
Colon:"Derek Jeter? I always strike him out." XD
作者: ninini ( )   2011-05-12 12:17:00
作者: JGB   2011-05-12 12:21:00
作者: solarcells (太阳能电池)   2011-05-12 12:23:00
以后破纪录的 都用干细胞了吗
作者: Tukiyomi (月读)   2011-05-12 12:31:00
作者: jim1209 (Joba Chamberlain)   2011-05-12 12:34:00
作者: huso (胡说大爷)   2011-05-12 12:35:00
作者: tigertiger (虎虎)   2011-05-12 12:44:00
Maddux, Big Unit也去打一打 也能回来抢CYA?
作者: searoar (暗坑大豆)   2011-05-12 12:57:00
作者: love34567 (夏果)   2011-05-12 12:58:00
作者: GDBS (打狗)   2011-05-12 13:02:00
作者: baronterry (我是谁)   2011-05-12 13:08:00
作者: GodHelpMe (兵役课打杂工)   2011-05-12 13:10:00
作者: iwgpg1ghc (就是红袜迷)   2011-05-12 13:13:00
作者: kenro   2011-05-12 13:23:00
原来是去打一针 想说怎会变成一尾活龙了 XD
作者: freesoul (No place like home ￾)   2011-05-12 13:32:00
用自己身体的一部分来治疗自己都不行的话,那是不是TommyJohn surgery也有问题?
作者: a55667788 (优质5566)   2011-05-12 13:37:00
作者: m16a117 (飞阿~零式战斗机~)   2011-05-12 14:07:00
真有这么神喔~ 哇靠!
作者: WadeDavis   2011-05-12 14:26:00
作者: ntusimmon (没有人可以像妳)   2011-05-12 14:56:00
魔鬼队绝对没有这么强 肯定是打了针吃了药
作者: yamatai (回避性人格障碍症)   2011-05-12 15:15:00
作者: marcohpsh (卡比罗西 )   2011-05-12 15:15:00
作者: immortalqq (大牛)   2011-05-12 15:23:00
作者: yamatai (回避性人格障碍症)   2011-05-12 15:36:00
作者: tong331   2011-05-12 16:29:00
作者: m16a117 (飞阿~零式战斗机~)   2011-05-12 16:31:00
老美的棒球真的是上太空阿~ 虽然这争议应该也不小= =
作者: xyzzz (阿)   2011-05-12 17:10:00
作者: xyzzz (阿)   2011-05-12 17:11:00
作者: xyzzz (阿)   2011-05-12 17:12:00
如果这个方式真的有效果,我不觉得是坏事,TJ 一样是用其他
作者: xyzzz (阿)   2011-05-12 17:13:00
作者: xyzzz (阿)   2011-05-12 17:14:00
作者: laperous (Laperous)   2011-05-12 17:22:00
作者: laperous (Laperous)   2011-05-12 17:23:00
作者: laperous (Laperous)   2011-05-12 17:24:00
作者: miyatan   2011-05-12 17:31:00
感觉运动员好麻烦, 类固醇和干细胞治疗不少见啊..
作者: halladay66 (好乐迪先生)   2011-05-12 17:58:00
与xyzzz同感 真不知回文的人 真的有自己看全文吗?
作者: Tenka (Tenka)   2011-05-12 18:41:00
最好干细胞使用有争议 又不是胚胎干细胞
作者: laperous (Laperous)   2011-05-12 18:48:00
咦 对耶,我好像想错了 冏掉了~ 再去研究研究好了 <逃>
作者: Ayvoroinla (Ayvoroinla)   2011-05-12 20:49:00
作者: worf   2011-05-12 21:40:00
魔鬼队没那么利害 !!!!!!
作者: freesoul (No place like home ￾)   2011-05-12 23:36:00
干细胞疗法跟TJ不能相提并论? 你可能需要再去了解一下所
作者: freesoul (No place like home ￾)   2011-05-12 23:37:00
作者: freesoul (No place like home ￾)   2011-05-12 23:40:00
作者: freesoul (No place like home ￾)   2011-05-12 23:41:00
作者: lwei781 (nap til morning?)   2011-05-13 01:10:00
脚踏车那边有ban 一些blood therapy

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