[闲聊] 哪个队名比较秋条

楼主: searoar (暗坑大豆)   2011-04-25 20:47:09
MLB Power Rankings: Tigers, Pirates Lead The Way http://sbn.to/dXiQjc
Rk Team Comments
1 老虎 The archetype of a good team name. Something exotic that can
rip your face off.
2 海盗 A name that suggests swashbuckling adventure, so it could lead
to a false-advertising suit, but it still works as a good name.
3 巨人 Works on a literal and figurative level. Classic. I'm not biased
at all.
4 水手 Geographically appropriate, and makes me think of tridents, which
makes me think of Ruprecht in "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels."
5 游骑兵 Texas Rangers were pretty respected and feared by the bad guys,
and the name makes me think of those hilarious Chuck Norris jokes.
What ever happened to those? Bring 'em back, I say!
6 蓝鸟 It's a good team name because it might distract the opponent by
making them think about how annoying blue jays are.
7 酿酒人 Beer.
8 响尾蛇 Snakes are underrepresented in the team-name landscape. There's
no reason why that should be. They'll freak you out, and then
they'll kill you. The prejudice is probably because of a lingering
anti-Cobra Kai sentiment left over from the '80s, but it's time
to move on.
9 洛矶 Straddles the line between "geographically appropriate" and
"boring," but it's about as appropriate of a name as you can
get for a team in Denver.
10 太空人 The Houston Astronauts would have been kind of boss, but this
isn't a bad consolation prize. Reminds you of "The Jetsons,"
which isn't the worst thing in the world.
11 道奇 Used to be Trolley Dodgers, which was kind of cool in its
uniqueness.The name hasn't fit, though, ever since Prop 33
criminalized public transportation in Los Angeles, so they're
the Utah Jazz of baseball.
12 洋基 A pejorative term that's used with pride, hinting at a kind of
arrogance that only winners can afford to display. Yeah, that's
about right.
13 红雀 Completely boring birds. We're just lucky the ornithologists
金莺 got there before the botanists, or we'd have to watch the
St. Louis Hawthorns and the Baltimore Black-Eyed Susans.
14 马林鱼 They get bonus points for having the most delicious team name
out there.
15 教士 Inoffensive and forgettable. So at least it fits.
16 光芒 Moved up once they dropped one part of their old four-part name.
There's ambiguity too, as you don't know if they're the kind of
rays you can pet in an aquarium, or the kind that kill nature-show
17 双城 The most boring name in the majors.
18 国民 I stand corrected. At least when you think of "Twins" there's a
chance you can get the song "Frankenstein" stuck in your head.
19 大都会 Alright, fine. This is the most boring team name in baseball.
Nay, the most boring team name in sports. Short for "Metropolitans"
作者: j094097 (雷克斯)   2011-04-25 20:54:00
作者: if2 (祈福兔)   2011-04-25 20:55:00
我投Rangers一票 Go Go Power Rangers!
作者: zerg1228 (你今天波逼了吗)   2011-04-25 20:57:00
Squeeeee! Baby bears!
作者: SlamKai (Calm Violence)   2011-04-25 20:58:00
Go Go Power Rangers~~~~~
作者: jason12308 (皇家礼炮21年)   2011-04-25 21:00:00
作者: charlie01   2011-04-25 21:02:00
作者: bnsblue (想当你的天空)   2011-04-25 21:03:00
creepy fetish XDDDDD
作者: Messi100 (立马帮帮忙!)   2011-04-25 21:04:00
Beer!!!!! 不过看不懂的字好多,乖乖查字典去...
作者: terop (琉璃狮子)   2011-04-25 21:07:00
作者: RAYWU321 (RAY)   2011-04-25 21:19:00
目标导向? 不是奥克兰以结婚为前提队吗?
作者: uponupon (upon)   2011-04-25 21:19:00
作者: fetoyeh (小叶)   2011-04-25 21:21:00
Beer XD
作者: mdfh (您真内行)   2011-04-25 21:35:00
作者: royalsage (Iverson#3)   2011-04-25 21:49:00
作者: yamatai (回避性人格障碍症)   2011-04-25 21:54:00
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2011-04-25 22:01:00
超白烂的 XDDDD
作者: mayfirst (科科)   2011-04-25 22:13:00
作者: WLR (WLR™)   2011-04-25 22:17:00
作者: four5 ( )   2011-04-25 22:26:00
教士超好笑... 名符其实的无攻击力且容易被乎略 XDD
作者: a502152000 (欸五)   2011-04-25 22:32:00
作者: tigertiger (虎虎)   2011-04-25 22:34:00
作者: gaga19900329 (GagaKnight)   2011-04-25 22:34:00
作者: LonelyLove (傲然与懦弱)   2011-04-25 22:36:00
作者: alasutolu (征滑齿龙语家教)   2011-04-25 22:37:00
德州游侠队 超帅气
作者: andy880036s (築牆是一種態度)   2011-04-25 22:41:00
作者: andy880036s (築牆是一種態度)   2011-04-25 22:43:00
作者: redstone (REDSTONE)   2011-04-25 22:57:00
Baby bears!
作者: wangfan3 (阿前)   2011-04-25 22:58:00
作者: MingXDD (一流杂碎)   2011-04-25 22:59:00
作者: wangfan3 (阿前)   2011-04-25 23:00:00
小联盟更多怪队名 同位素 钩子 矿工 天袜 泥母鸡 铁猪...
作者: saidon ( )   2011-04-25 23:18:00
Beer <-简洁扼要XDDD
作者: sr260302 (小子)   2011-04-25 23:50:00
作者: keepbusy (未定)   2011-04-25 23:51:00
平平是鸟类 为什么有差别待遇= =
作者: chemikelvin   2011-04-26 01:03:00
作者: antonio019 (右手边的橡皮擦)   2011-04-26 01:17:00
作者: melissalewis (龙使弗利兹)   2011-04-26 03:41:00
作者: songda (专注力)   2011-04-26 08:42:00
双城 The most boring name in the majors. XD

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