Selig: Expanded playoffs coming for 2012
By RONALD BLUM, AP Sports Writer
NEW YORK (AP)—With both sides expressing support for adding two playoff
teams in 2012, negotiators for baseball players and owners are considering
having the new wild-card round be best-of-3 or winner-take-all.
新的外卡战应该会是3战2胜 或是 殊死战(不知道这样对不对 应该是说就只打一场吧?)
Because longer series would push playoffs deeper into cold weather, the sides
are not considering have the new first round be best-of-5 of best-of-7.
因为长系列的对战花时间(季后赛已近冬季 很冷)
新的对战将不会考虑5战3胜 或是7战4胜制
“I would say we’re moving to expanding the playoffs, but there’s a myriad
of details to work out,” Commissioner Bud Selig said Thursday at his annual
meeting with the Associated Press Sports Editors. “Ten is a fair number.”
Bud Selig说: 我们将扩大季后赛 但是有太多的细节要去处理 10队应该是合理的数目
Since 1995, eight of the 30 baseball teams make the playoffs. In the NFL, 12
of 32 teams make the playoffs. In the NBA and NHL, 16 of 30 advance to the
自从1995年 MLB有8只球队可进入季后赛 NFL则是32取12队
In the new format, the two wild cards in each league would meet, and the
winners would advance to the following round against division winners.
“The more we’ve talked about it, I think we’re moving inexorably to that,”
Selig said.
两只外卡球队会对战 然后胜者就有对分区冠军有优势(应该是主场优势吧?)
[问题: 新增两队 playoffs变成10队 奇数下要怎么打 ? 5取2 ?]
Discussions have taken place as part of collective bargaining for a labor
deal to replace the one that expires in December. Players want to make sure
the new format doesn’t cause lengthy travel with little recovery time.
今年12月会讨论 球员想确定新方案不会让他们在短时间比赛且有漫长的路程
“We’ve had a healthy exchange on a number of alternatives,” union head
Michael Weiner said, “but the sides recognize there has to be a balance of
competitive considerations, economic considerations and player safety
Weiner表示 我们有很多替代方案, 但须有许多考量 要平衡 竞争、经济以及球员安全
Selig said owners were unanimous in their desire to achieve a worldwide
amateur draft in collective bargaining and that a majority of teams favored a
slotting system to determine signing bonuses for draft picks.
Selig并表示 各球团都希望全球性的业余选秀可以纳入谈判
Selig also said he will not consider changing Barry Bonds’ records following
the slugger’s conviction on obstruction of justice last week.
Bonds holds the career (762) and season (73) home run records, breaking marks
set by Hank Aaron (755) and Mark McGwire (70).
“In life there’s always got to be pragmatism,” Selig said. “I think that
anybody who understands the sport understands exactly why.”
Bonds was convicted last week on a single count, with the jury finding he
gave an evasive answer to a grand jury in 2003 when asked whether personal
trainer Greg Anderson ever gave him anything that required an injection. Bonds
’ lawyers have asked for the verdict to be thrown out.
Selig also expressed confidence the Mets will be able to sell a minority
interest in the team and raise money, relieving some of the pressure caused
by a lawsuit from the trustee seeking to recover money for victims of Bernard
Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.
“I’m very confident that they set out a process to sell part of their club,
and the person handling that is very confident that can happen,” Selig said,
a reference to investment banker Steve Greenberg, a son of Hall of Famer Hank
Greenberg. “Hopefully, the Mets will find a suitable partner and do it
这两段在讲梅子经营权 Selig有信心梅子会找到合适的伙伴
Selig said teams had reduced their combined debt by $1 billion in the past
year but he would not say what the industry debt total currently is. He said
baseball’s debt rules “could use some change, modest change, and we’re
working on those.”
Selig说MLB赤字 光去年就减少10亿 但他死都不说 总共有多少赤字
Selig also hoped that the Cardinals and Albert Pujols(notes) find a way to
agree on a new contract. The slugging
first baseman can become a free agent after the World Series.
“It is true there are some players who captivate a community,” he said. “
You hope that could be perpetuated.”
Selig, who has headed baseball since September 1992, repeated his
often-stated intention to retire when his current term expires at the end of
2012 but admits owners are skeptical.
Selig从1992当上MLB主席 就一再重复他想退休的意愿(他的约到2012结束)
“My wife said, `Buddy, cut it out, nobody believes you, starting with me,”’
he said.