user043 (朝梦想迈进)
2010-12-10 14:51:43下载版
http://tinyurl.com/24d9k5m Nelson on Crawford reportedly signing with Red Sox
http://tinyurl.com/2eukv28 Jon Heyman with the latest on Cliff Lee, Zack Greinke
http://tinyurl.com/26tx9n6 Adding Crawford improves Red Sox outfield, lineup
http://tinyurl.com/38rjy2f Network looks back on Crawford's Rays days
http://tinyurl.com/22smwab Cashman talks about Lee, Crawford
http://tinyurl.com/2ef4cyr Rangers CEO with the latest on Cliff Lee negotiations
http://tinyurl.com/2g449zm Nelson 报导红袜跟 Crawford 合约
http://tinyurl.com/3xhcbn9 洋基开7年约给 Lee, 另外 Z 摩神呢?
http://tinyurl.com/24vccew Crawford 将补强红袜外野部份
http://tinyurl.com/2vo6kyn 回顾 Crawford 在光芒时期(盗垒,守备) 必看
http://tinyurl.com/29ypk3f 现金人对于 Lee 跟 Crawford 的访问
http://tinyurl.com/23jp2ss 游骑兵 CEO 跟 Lee 最后谈判协商