http://tinyurl.com/353rzwy ALCS Game 5: Wood fans three over two shutout frames
http://tinyurl.com/376qfjd ALCS Gm 5: A-Rod dives, throws for the out on Kinsler
http://tinyurl.com/2umbwg8 ALCS Gm 5: Granderson extends the lead with a homer
http://tinyurl.com/37xywkq ALCS Gm 5: Elvis has left the basepath, is picked off
http://tinyurl.com/2dyzola ALCS Gm 5: Cano, Jeter turn two on Hamilton
http://tinyurl.com/267w7ob ALCS Gm 5: Mo closes it out in the ninth
http://tinyurl.com/26plqav ALCS Gm 5: CC fans seven over six strong frames
http://tinyurl.com/26sszpe ALCS Gm 5: Cano goes back-to-back to extend the lead
http://tinyurl.com/26xzskf ALCS Gm 5: Swisher jacks a solo shot to left
http://tinyurl.com/246pmty ALCS Gm 5: CC fans Moreland in an eight-pitch duel
http://tinyurl.com/2eogqlz ALCS Gm 5: Sabathia discusses working out of trouble
http://tinyurl.com/2eabvj2 ALCS: Cano belts four home runs in the ALCS
http://tinyurl.com/2bmcgdd ALCS Gm 5: MLB.com looks at Wood's ALCS pickoffs
http://tinyurl.com/2ed8hcn Must C Combo: Swisher and Cano go back-to-back
http://tinyurl.com/27hje4q NLCS Gm 4: Phillies score four runs in the fifth
http://tinyurl.com/29hxk8y NLCS Gm 4: Ruiz nabs Torres at second in the eighth
http://tinyurl.com/2c52h9a NLCS Gm 4: Uribe wins it with a sac fly in the ninth
http://tinyurl.com/272rok7 NLCS Gm 4: Posey collects four hits against the Phils
Sabathia(NYY) 6.0IP 11H 7SO 2ER 1HR ERA 6.30 1W 0L (112-74)
Wilson(TEX) 5.0IP 6H 4BB 2SO 6R(5ER) 2HR ERA 6.00 0W 1L (12-8)
Bumgarner(SF) 4.2IP 6H 1BB 6SO 3ER ERA 5.79 (85-53)
Blanton(PHI) 4.2IP 5H 1BB 3SO 3ER ERA 5.79 (63-45)
Romo(SF) 1.0IP 1H 2SO ERA 0.00 (BS, 1)
Durbin(PHI) 1.0IP 2H 2BB 1SO 2ER ERA 18.00 (BS, 1)
Andrus(TEX) 5-3 1SO 2LOB .364
Young(TEX) 4-1 1SO 3LOB .348
Hamilton(TEX) 4-1 1SO 3LOB .316
Treanor(TEX) 4-1 1R 2RBI 1SO 3LOB .333 1HR (NO.1)
Moreland(TEX) 4-2 2SO 2LOB .400
Swisher(NYY) 4-1 2R 1RBI 1BB 3LOB .105 1HR (NO.1)
Cano(NYY) 4-1 1R 1RBI 1LOB .421 1HR (NO.4)
Granderson(NYY) 4-3 1R 2RBI 1LOB .333 1HR (NO.1)
Howard(PHI) 2-1 1R 2BB 1SO 1LOB .385
Huff(SF) 5-3 2R 1RBI 1SO 1LOB .313
Posey(SF) 5-4 2RBI 1SO 1LOB .313
Ross(SF) 3-1 1R .417
http://tinyurl.com/2984tdo Wood 一局好投(三振,牵制,三振)
http://tinyurl.com/2csgv5r A-Rod 精彩飞扑守备
http://tinyurl.com/26q32e4 Granderson 阳春全垒打 4-3 1R 2RBI .333 1HR (NO.1)
http://tinyurl.com/33g3t8r Wood 精彩二垒牵制
http://tinyurl.com/29jc2ve Cano Jeter 精彩双杀守备
http://tinyurl.com/2uruzug Mo 关门解决最后三人次
http://tinyurl.com/37959j5 沙胖 6.0IP 11H 7SO 今日投球内容
http://tinyurl.com/36njz3h Cano 阳春全垒打 4-1 1R 1RBI .421 1HR (NO.4)
http://tinyurl.com/2vtdh7m Swisher 阳春全垒打 4-1 2R 1RBI 1BB .105 1HR (NO.1)
http://tinyurl.com/3yy4pk3 沙胖用了8球才解决 Moreland
http://tinyurl.com/28hf6re 沙胖的两个女儿好可爱喔,是双胞胎吗?
http://tinyurl.com/29cotwd Cano ALCS 共四发全垒打精华影片(阳春面)
http://tinyurl.com/3373ajc Wood 在 ALCS 系列赛两次精彩牵制
http://tinyurl.com/2fxxxmz Swisher and Cano back-to-back 全垒打
http://tinyurl.com/2g9ezux 费城五上单局灌入四分
http://tinyurl.com/22r4hs9 Ruiz 8下精彩阻杀 Torres 盗
http://tinyurl.com/297d2db Uribe 再见高飞牺牲打(推土机:.....)
http://tinyurl.com/2e7nxpz Posey 单场四安打精华
http://tinyurl.com/26v4ue2 赛事精华: PHI 5, SF 6
http://tinyurl.com/2dnzff3 赛事精华: TEX 2, NYY 7
洋基中继投手 Wood 牵制还真猛,ALCS 牵制两次都成功,解决洋基危机
http://tinyurl.com/2crp2rq 上周十大好球
http://tinyurl.com/378zwh4 今日五大好球
http://tinyurl.com/25ojmhw 今日快速扫描