leecher (lecherous)
2008-07-02 09:42:40Three things Keith Hernandez taught me about pitching
三件 Keith Hernandez 教会我有关投球的事
by John Walsh
June 30, 2008
If you are interested in pitching—really interested, I mean—you simply have
to read Pure Baseball by Keith Hernandez (with help from Mike Bryan on
grammar and spelling and stuff). And when I say interested in pitching, I
don't mean you know who won the last five Cy Young Awards or even who had the
best strikeout-to-walk ratio in the American League last year. Rather, I mean
you want to know not only what that last pitch was and how it moved, you want
to understand why it was thrown, why it worked or why it didn't.
如果你对投球有兴趣的话--我是指真的很有兴趣--你一定要看一下 Keith Hernandez
所写的 Pure Baseball(有 Mike Bryan 帮忙作文法及拼字校正等工作)。而当我说的对
投球有兴趣,我不是要你知道最近五个赛扬奖得主,也不是要你说出去年美联谁的 K/BB
The subtitle of Hernandez's book is "A pitch-by-pitch guide for the advanced
fan," and that is a good description. Hernandez goes through two games from
the 1993 season, almost (but not quite) at the pitch level. That's not to say
that the book is only about pitching—Hernandez holds forth on many questions
of baseball tactics here, including base stealing, bunting, hit-and-running,
productive outs, defensive alignments and many others.
Hernandez 那本书的副标题是“给进阶球迷的逐球分析”,而这真是非常恰当的描述。
Hernandez 挑选出 1993 球季的两场比赛,大多(但并非全部)在讲解有关投球的事情。
这并不是表示整本书只谈投球--Hernandez 也聊到了许多有关战术的问题,包括盗垒、
But what really fascinates about this book is getting an insider's
perspective on pitching and the batter-pitcher confrontation. Hernandez was
clearly a "cerebral" ballplayer, a guy who was always thinking, thinking
trying to get an edge. There was nothing "see ball, hit ball" about Keith
Hernandez 是一个“用脑”的球员,他总是在思考,思考如何才能取得上风。在 Keith
Hernandez 的字典里是找不到“球来就打”这种词汇的。
So, what did Keith Hernandez teach me about pitching? Well, as some of you
may know, I've been working with the PITCHf/x data, which has allowed us to
study pitching at a level of detail that was almost unimaginable not very
long ago. So, what I'm most interested in is pitches—what are the different
pitch types, what distinguishes one from the other, and how are they used
那么,Keith Hernandez 到底教会我什么有关投球的事呢?嗯,有些人应该已经知道,我
在作有关 PITCHf/x 的研究,这让我们得以对投球作出以前根本无法想像的详尽分析。而
I've written quite a bit about pitch types already, so I thought I knew quite
a bit, but ol' Keith showed me a thing or two (which is so unsurprising, it's
not even funny).
Keith 还是可以举出一两样我不知道的事(这没什么好惊讶的,而且这也一点都不好笑)
The tailing fastball
One of the first things I learned from studying the PITCHf/x data is that
fastballs typically move quite a bit to the side. Nobody much talks about
this. Actually, that's not true, the other day I happened to catch Brandon
Webb's start against the Mets and one of the broadcasters mentioned Webb's
sinker that "moves in on a right-handed hitter."
我从研究 PITCHf/x 中所学到的第一件事就是速球通常都带有横向变化。似乎很少人提到
这件事。不过也不尽是如此,有一天我碰巧看到 Brandon Webb 对上大都会,其中一个主
播提到了 Webb 的伸卡球“往右打者的内角钻进去”。
That's true, Webb's sinker (which is a kind of fastball) moves sideways,
towards a right-handed hitter, about nine inches. And Dan Haren's fastball
moves in the same direction by six inches. John Maine? Eight inches in on a
right-handed batter. Just about all right-handed fastballs move in an a
right-handed hitter (and likewise, lefty fastballs move the other way—away
from a right-handed batter).
的确如此,Webb 的伸卡球(也算是一种速球)会往右打者的内角横移 9 英吋。而 Dan
Haren 的速球也会往相同的方向移动 6 英吋。至于 John Maine 呢?8 英吋。几乎所有右
Hernandez, in his book, tells us something important about the typical
tailing action of a fastball: It makes it difficult to come inside to the
opposite-hand hitter. Actually, Hernandez is discussing Phillies left-hander
Danny Jackson, who had quite a bit of tail on his fastball. When Jackson
throws to a right-handed batter, the fastball tends to tail away from the
Hernandez 在他的书中提到一些有关这种有尾劲速球的重要观念:这种横移让投手很难将
球塞往对向打者的内角。事实上,Hernandez 谈到了费城人的左投 Danny Jackson,他的
速球有不错的尾劲。当 Jackson 面对右打者时,他的速球大都向打者外侧横移。
That's great for pitching outside, but it makes it hard to pitch on the
inside corner, as the ball tends to drift out over the heart of the plate.
Here's Keith:
此很容易就让球跑到红中。Keith 是这样说的:
After thirteen pitches tonight in Philadelphia, Danny Jackson hasn't come
inside one time. One reason is that his fastball tends to run away from these
right-handed Braves hitters. If that pitch does not start out three or four
inches inside, if instead it starts out over the inside corner, it will run
toward the middle of the plate and right onto the barrel of the bat.
Danny Jackson 今晚在费城所投的 13 颗速球中,一球都没有往内角塞。其中一个原因是
Why doesn't Jackson just compensate the tailing action by throwing the ball
way inside and letting it tail back over the inside corner, you ask? That's a
good question (I asked it myself), but Keith says it's very difficult to do
that, for psychological reasons. More on that below, when I discuss the
backup slider.
你应该会问,为什么 Jackson 不一开始就瞄准打者更内侧的地方,这样球就会转回内角?
这是一个很好的问题(我也问了同样的问题),不过 Keith 说这是很难做到的,而主要是
Hernandez goes on to discuss the "straight" fastball that doesn't tail. You'd
think less movement means less effectiveness, but Keith sees it differently:
Hernandez 接着谈到“直”球,完全没有尾劲的速球。你或许会想尾劲越差的速球应该越
没用吧,但 Keith 有不同的看法:
... it's dangerous for Jackson to throw his "tailing" fastball inside to
right-handed batters, and he hasn't developed the fastball that stays
straight. That's no disgrace, however, because Nolan Ryan never developed one
either, to use against left-handed batters in conjunction with his own
tailing fastball.
...... 要 Jackson 把他“有尾劲”的速球往右打者的内角塞是很危险的一件事,然而他
也没有练成没有横向移动的速球。不过这也没有什么好丢脸的,因为 Nolan Ryan 也没有
Hernandez goes on to describe part of Greg Maddux's repertoire:
接下来,Hernandez 谈到 Grag Maddux 的球种:
[Maddux] throws a sinking fastball but also another variety straight over the
top, a hard, straight bullet, and he knows that if he throws it inside to
left-handed batters, the ball will stay inside.
[Muddux] 不仅拥有一颗下沉的速球,他还有另一颗没有横向移动,快速,笔直的速球,而
Danny Jackson's solution to this problem was the development of a cut
fastball. The main goal of the cutter is to throw a fastball without the
regular tailing action. Most cutters tail (only now we say "cut" instead of
"tail") a little in the other direction, i.e. in on a right-handed batter (if
thrown by a lefty like Jackson). The trick is to keep the velocity of the
cutter up near that of the regular fasty.
至于 Danny Jackson 的解决办法是练卡特球。卡特球的主要目的是要让速球拥有不同的横
),也就是说,会往右打者的内角钻进去(如果是由 Jackson 这种左投手来投的话)。而
Back-up or back-door?
You probably have heard the term "backdoor slider." Or maybe it was "backup
slider"? And maybe it wasn't clear just exactly what these terms meant? Well,
Professor Hernandez makes it clear. The backdoor slider (or curveball, the
term applies to both pitch types) is a pitch that starts out off the plate,
outside, then breaks in over the outside corner (or tries to). From the
description, you should be able to tell that this term only applies when a
righty pitcher faces a lefty batter and vice versa.
你应该听过开后门吧。在英文中有两种不同的说法,“backdoor slider”或者是“backup
slider”。或许你并不清楚这两种说法指的到底是什么样子的球路。嗯,就让 Hernandez
教授来为你解说吧。backdoor slider(或是 curveball,这个说法对两种球种都适用)是
A backup slider (or, again, curve) is similar, except that here the pitch is
off the plate, inside, and breaks over the inside corner. Of course, this can
only occur for a righty-righty or lefty-lefty matchup. This would seem like a
very effective pitch, since the batter would perceive the ball might hit him,
causing him to turn away or bail out, while the pitch breaks over the plate.
Here's the thing about the backup slider, though: Nobody throws this pitch on
purpose, at least according to Mex.
backup slider(或者是 curve)跟 backdoor slider 类似,不过这种说法指得是投出去
过这里有一点要注意:没有人会刻意投这种球路,至少 Mex (Keith Hernandez 的外号)
Here are Keith's very words on the backup slider:
底下就是 Keith 对 backup slider 所做的讲解:
The right-handed pitcher facing the right-handed batter wants to throw the
breaking ball on the outside corner. Why? If any breaking ball misses the
target, it's usually to the left, outside, as the right-handed pitcher sees
the plate. Locating the breaking ball inside in this righty-righty matchup is
even tougher psychologically because the pitcher has to aim almost behind the
batter. So the tendency is even more to miss to the left. And if you aim at
the inside corner but miss to the left, where does that leave the pitch? Over
the inner half—the heart of the plate.
Hernandez goes on to recount how Bob Gibson said that the inadvertent backup
slider was his best pitch, but he couldn't throw it there intentionally.
Hernandez 接着谈到 Bos Gibson 曾经说过,不小心投出来的 backup slider 是他最厉害
If as great a pitcher as Bob Gibson couldn't throw the backup breaking pitch
with any consistency, who can? Nobody. That's why it's never thrown
intentionally. When you see it, mark it down as a mistake, even if it froze
the batter for a strike. You heard it here first.
如果连像 Bob Gibson 这么伟大的投手都没有办法随心所欲的投出这种球路的话,谁可以
You do see this pitch occasionally, where the batter flinches and the ball
drops in for a strike. I happened to see Carlos Marmol throw one the other
day and broadcaster Len Kasper praised it as a great pitch. To his credit,
Bob Brenly (an ex-player himself, of course) vaguely alluded to the
difficulty of locating that pitch consistently. Nobody called it a mistake
pitch, though.
刚好看到 Carlos Marmol 投了一颗这样的球,而主播 Len Kasper 赞美那是十分精采的一
球。不过我想称赞的是 Bob Brenly(当然,他之前也是一位球员)稍微提到那种球路是很
Changeups not allowed inside
One thing I've learned analyzing pitch data is that changeups are used almost
exclusively against opposite-hand batters—lefty pitcher to righty batter and
vice versa. There's not really any secret about that, even a casual observer
of the game could figure that out if he were paying attention. But something
that I did not know, and learned reading this textbook on pitching, was that
changeups are invariably thrown towards the outside part of the plate. As
usual, Keith does not mince words:
那就是变速球一向都往外角投。跟平常一样,Keith 很直接的说:
The change-up is never thrown purposefully inside. Never.
Now, I would have thought just the opposite. Here's my reasoning: the batter
will tend to be "out in front" of the changeup. If the pitch is inside, he
can only pull the ball foul. But if the pitch is on the outside of the plate,
the early swing and the outside location of the pitch will tend to compensate
and the result will be a ball hit fair. Not so, says Keith:
然后结果就是一个界内球。不过 Keith 说,不是这样的:
If the change does what it's designed to do and gets the hitter off stride,
about all he can do with the pitch over the outside part of the plate is to
hit it weakly toward the end of the bat. But even if he is off stride he can
still get the head of the bat on the inside change-up and pull it with power,
sometimes with one arm. The pitcher who throws an inside change-up runs a
major risk that he will soon be, in the immortal words of George Hendrick,
"rubbing up a new one".
变速球,有时候甚至只用一只手。而把变速球投向内角的投手将会像 George Hendrick 的
Hernandez sounds pretty confident in his proclamations, but it should be
noted that not everyone necessarily agrees with this changeup-only-outside
policy. Ex-major league pitcher and current Oakland A's pitching coach Curt
Young, in an interview with Baseball Prospectus, was asked what he'd do
different if he were pitching today. The left-hander replied:
Hernandez 听起来对他的言论十分有自信,不过我还是要提一下,不是所有人都同意变速
球一定要投向外角。前大联盟投手、现任奥克兰运动家投手教练 Curt Young 在受
Baseball Prospectus 访问时被问到,如果他现在还在投球的话,他会做什么改变。这位
... Also, using changeups in different locations. Guys have been possessed,
including myself, to throw changeups away to righties, but change-ups in to
righties can be effective, too.
...... 同时,将变速球投到不同的位置。大家,包括我自己,都一直认为面对右打者时变
Amaze your friends!
Armed with this knowledge about changeups, accidental backup breaking balls
and tailing fastballs, you are now in a position to amaze your friends with
your baseball knowledge. Keith spells it out:
棒球知识来吓吓你的朋友。Keith 是这么说的:
Given this [information], you are now in a position to amaze your friends by
calling the pitch selection in this one situation, based only on the
catcher's setup behind the plate. Here's the rule: When the catcher sets up
over the inside corner in a righty-righty or lefty-lefty matchup, gasoline is
on its way—cheese, cheddar, the fastball—because the catcher is not going
to request either the change-up or the breaking pitch on the inside corner.
You can bet the mortgage on that.
侧,速球就要来了(译按:内文中的 cheese 及 cheddar 是英文中对速球另外的说法),
Try this out on your friends (or better yet, your enemies). You can probably
win a few beers using Keith's rule of the inside target.
你可以在你朋友身上试试这招(或者在你的敌人身上试试)。你或许可以用 Keith 的内角
A skeptical comment
You know, it seems to me that some pitchers really do try to locate their
slider inside to some same-hand batters. Daisuke Matsuzaka comes to mind as
an example. But maybe Keith is right, maybe those inside sliders are mistake
pitches. But, every single one? And perhaps somebody out there is working
changeups inside occasionally, who knows, maybe one of the Oakland pitchers
working under Curt Young? I think the PITCHf/x data might be able to verify
(or refute) some of these claims by Keith Hernandez. I haven't looked at the
data yet, so I don't know what I'll find, but I'm guessing that Keith is, for
the most part, on target. Stay tuned for more.
Matsuzaka 就是一个例子。但是 Keith 可能是对的,或许那些内角滑球的确是失投。不过
投手中有人在 Curt Young 的指导下这么做。我认为 PITCHf/x 应该可以证明(或反驳)
某些 Keith Hernandez 的论点。我还没有开始研究相关的资料,所以我也不知道结果会怎
样,但是我猜 Keith 所说的应该大部分都是对的。继续阅读 THT 的文章,我们会提供更