amyhong (蒙头猛读)
2017-08-20 23:10:38睽违已久的 Berkeley Haas info session 今年终于要在台湾举办了!!!
这次是 admission officers 亲自飞来台湾说明
之前常常在各种场合上听到 Haas 很难申请, 名额很少
但这几年台湾申请 Haas 的同学确实也变少了,在 Haas 的台湾人一年比一年少
所以希望对 Berkeley Haas 有兴趣的同学可以提早报名
积极的向 adcom 和校友提出问题,也欢迎来了解 Haas 特别的地方在哪里
以下是 admission office 的官方资讯
报名页面 https://applynow.haas.berkeley.edu/register/TaipeiIS2017FTMBA
Taipei Information Session
Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 07:00 PM until 09:30 PM
Regent Hotel
No. 3, Ln. 39, Sec. 2 Zhongshan N. Rd.
Zhongshan District, Taipei 104
Full-Time MBA Program
Ready to start your MBA journey? Wondering if Haas is the right fit for you?
Join us for an exciting networking event and information session with
Admissions staff and alumni. Learn more about the transformative experience
of an MBA and why students ultimately choose Haas. Set yourself up for
success with our best tips and insights into the application process. You'll
leave with concrete tools that will give you a head start on compiling a
compelling application.
Formal programming begins at 7:15pm, but we encourage you to arrive early for
light refreshments and engaging conversation. We look forward to seeing you