本来想说不要装 因为好像延伸功能都会不见
结果手贱还是更新了 结果果然常用的延伸功能就全掰了QQ
这样到时候 macOS Catalina 推出就少一个理由不升级...
新增了一个在声音开关按钮按右键 可以进入字母画面的选单
The Safari 13 update contains feature improvements as well as privacy, security and compatibility enhancements and is recommended for all users. This update:
Includes an updated start page with Favorites, frequently visited, and most recently visited websites
Provides a warning if a weak password is typed when signing in to a website and helps to upgrade it to a strong password
Adds the ability to enable Picture in Picture from the audio button in a tab
Enables jumping directly to an already-open tab from the search completion list when the website address is typed into the Smart Search field
Adds support for authentication using USB security keys on supported websites
For detailed information on the security content of this update, please visit: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT201222