[教学] 更新Yosemeite后O2无线网卡与Vectorworks dongle启用

楼主: Heatherting ( )   2014-10-26 01:51:36
※ 引述《Heatherting ( )》之铭言:
: 目前有两台更新到OS 10.10 Yosemite都遇到很棘手的问题...
: 一台MacBook Air 1.3GHZ INTEL CORE i5更新后
: 使用德国的O2无线网卡则无法再连上网络
: 另一台则是Mac Pro本身安装Vecorwork这套绘图软件
: 更新前有一个dongle解锁的模拟器 使用上都没问题
: 但再更新后就是读取的到 可是都无法使用....
: 这种相容性的问题真的无解了嘛? T^T
: 再麻烦各位高手相救了!!
: 谢谢!
感谢s8338127提供的消息: http://goo.gl/94wnPJ
After installing MacOS X Yosemite, it may happen that Vectorworks has stopped
running because the dongle is not found. It is recommended to reinstall the
current dongle driver in this case.
Download Link dongle driver:
Alternatively you can download the driver directly from Sentinel:
Enter your search filter:
-User Category: "End User"
-Product: "Hasp HL" or "Hasp 4"
-Operating System: "Mac"
-Type: "Runtime & Device Driver"
-Language: "All"
Then "Search" and select this driver in the selection:
"Sentinel HASP / LDK Mac OS X Run-time GUI Installation"
Make the installation of the driver at the end.
谢谢xcycl的资讯: 试试看这篇的解法 http://goo.gl/4OysJg
Step 1:
Copy the file from HiLink Surf stick on the desk.
Open the Finder, navigate to the desktop and choose the file.
About the gear, when selected file, select "Show Package Contents".
Step 4:
Choose where at Contents / Resources mbbserviceSetup.pkg the file. Click on
the gear again and select "Show Package Contents" from.
Step 5:
Select the file "Archive.pax.gz", this copy, please contact the location of
your choice. Preferably the desk.
Step 6:
Open the file with the archive program, so this is unpacked.
Step 7:
Open the terminal - (found under Applications / Utilities).
Navigate in the terminal to the location of the extracted file in the
unzipped folder .. In this case: "cd Desktop / archives". To restart the
device, type:
"Sudo ./mbbservice"
You will then be prompted for your password. Do not be alarmed: Here no stars
for each input are displayed. So you have to write almost blind.
Then it takes a few seconds, and the stick should be lit differently.
Check the status under
Maybe even the two arrows must be pressed, you should not be connected.
The process with the Service must be performed after every reboot
unfortunately "
希望也能帮到有需要的人。 :)
作者: xcycl (XOO)   2014-10-27 04:30:00
其实先降回旧版会比较好,这版缺点也不少之后有改再升 ..

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