※ 引述《ahway116 (风一样的男子)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《forestcatcat (白衫。)》之铭言:
: : http://www.gopetslive.com/forums/zh_tw/viewtopic.php?t=4473
: : 光看英文还真是有看没有懂orz...
: 话说这公告还没放到官网的首页...
: 只有在论坛发布而已...
: 会不会只是先放话出来试探玩家们的反应...
: 如果造成太大的反弹再改回原来的设定?
: 突然想到成语“朝三暮四”里的猴子... 囧rz
本页第一篇= =
Food & Drink no longer require Pink or Gold to purchase
Recipes generally cost more, and trees are about the same or less in gold.
Pink remains a cost in some trees and recipes and has been removed from others
那 现在已有的金贝食物和树 怎办@@ 要还我们价差吗?
又要调价钱了 真是够了= =
For example, the new recipe on Staging for Apple Juices reads:
2 Water (5 Green base price) + 1 Fresh Apple (30 Green base price)
Eating Separately this would yield 4 + 12 = 16 Green Shells.
Now the base cost of Apple Juice has been raised to 42 Green shells, so when
it is eaten it yields 46 * 0.4 = 18 Green shells. Thus it is worth about 15%
more to craft the ingredients together rather than eat them seperately.
他说做苹果汁 新的食谱会需要水两个(10绿)+苹果一个(30绿)
如果各别吃掉他 会得到 (10+30)x0.4=16绿
而苹果汁的定价是42绿 但是如果吃掉他 会得到 46x0.4=18
这边价钱不一样耶= =
还有 以后水会买不到 只能在热舞 或是钓鱼钓到= =
BUT here is where it gets interesting: The farmer/cooker decides to sell the
Apple Juice to another player then there is a whole wide range of prices now
from 19 to 45 that makes it win-win for the farmer/cooker as well as the
这边是说 没有厨师技能的
就等著被有厨师技能的人剥削吧 不...是自由市场竞争
NEXT后面的 我就还没有搞懂他= =