※ 引述《bluecloudie ( 飞一个~*)》之铭言:
: 话说我买了相机之后关于运费那边一直搞不定...
: 我买的是$129的套组, 选了Outside the US
: 以至于设定pledge金额成$144的时候系统会一直跳出下面这段讯息...
: "Please pledge at least $154.00 USD to select this reward if outside the US.
: If you're in the US, click "In the US" below."
: 然后我私讯问Lomography也没下文...
: 最后是在comment页面上看到其他人询问的答案如下
: "we suggest you to change it to 'Ship Within the US' for changes to take
: effect. "
: 也就是说要把运送地点改成'Ship Within the US'就可以把金额改成$144了
: ※ 引述《Or3 (谢谢瓜宝 ^^)》之铭言:
: : kickstarter在update#3的地方有特别说明降低台湾的运费
: : For All pledges which state $25 shipping outside USA:
: : If you live in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore you only
: : need to pay $15 shipping
: : For All pledges which state $40 shipping (or higher) outside USA:
: : If you live in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore you only
: : need to pay $25 shipping
: : 所以别忘了去pledge修改喔~
: : 顺便问问大家买什么颜色?