[情报] 第一届电竞奥运将在2027于沙国举办

楼主: zxc906383 (无无)   2025-02-11 20:08:15
LoL: The First Olympic Esports Games Confirmed for Riyadh in 2027
The International Olympic Committee has officially confirmed that the first Olym
pic Esports Games will take place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 2027. Just a few w
eeks ago, rumors were circulating about a possible postponement, but it is now a
The IOC is partnering with the Saudi Olympic and Paralympic Committee (SOPC), wi
th additional support from the Esports World Cup Foundation (EWCF), which will s
erve as the event’s Founding Partner. The EWCF, a non-profit dedicated to espor
ts development, will play a crucial role in game selection, tournament structuri
ng, and ensuring the integrity of the competition.
It was stated the selection will be based on popularity, consistency, credibilit
y, and alignment with Olympic values. Notably, discussions with Riot Games and P
syonix suggest that League of Legends and Rocket League may be included, marking
the first time LoL would feature in a global, nation-based tournament.
作者: Saitoasuka11   2025-02-11 21:17:00
看来熊哥今年又要被faker 打到破防了
作者: jackylin1999 (送头王)   2025-02-11 23:57:00
作者: lzyamos99032 (lzyamos99032)   2025-02-12 05:30:00
作者: redbeanbread (寻找)   2025-02-12 17:37:00

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