lspslaw (火工作.)
2024-01-19 16:22:352024 年 PCL 春季赛将于 1 月 24 日开赛
共有 13 支队伍将会互相竞争!
除了 PCS 的青训战队,LJL 也会有四支青训战队也加入 PCL 的行列。
去年 PCS 升降赛未能成功保级的 DWT 和 IMP 也将加入 PCL 的阵容!
将会举办“校园海选赛”及“业余海选赛”,各遴选出 1 支队伍进入 PCL 季后赛。
The 2024 PCL Spring Season will begin on January 24th
A total of 13 teams will compete against each other!
In addition to the PCS youth teams, the LJL will also have four youth teams join
ing the PCL.
DWT and IMP, who were unsuccessful in last year's PCS promotion, will also join
the PCL squad!
A "Collegiate Audition" and an "Amateur Audition" will be held to select one tea
m each to enter the PCL Playoffs.