本队 AD 选手 Wako (邹惟洋) 与打野选手 Husha (黄梓维) 已和我们正式结束队伍合约
Wako 身为经验丰富的选手,时常给予队友们方向与建议,也是队伍最值得信赖的输出点
位。无论是顺风还是逆风,都能期待 Wako 为队伍带来奇蹟,相信未来 Wako 在召唤峡
谷中仍会继续发光发热。Husha 在今年赛季前期担下了打野的重责大任,即便在幕后也会
给队友许多游戏上的帮助,祝福 Husha 能在新的舞台达到更加不凡的成就。
Today we part ways with ADC Wako and Jungler Husha.
We're super grateful that Wako and Husha had shown incredible strengths to bri
ng us the PCS trophy and memorable international runs.
As a veteran, Wako has always been the most reliable carry in desperate scenar
ios. Miraculous team fights would not have been possible without his calls and
decisions. Husha has always been a diligent and responsible player in the jun
gle and we believe he will achieve even greater goals.
It has been a meaningful year for the two players as individuals and the org.
We wish them a bright future for years to come and hope to meet them on the ri
ft very soon!
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ko #husha #announcement
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