y12544 (禾子可可)
2021-11-23 02:44:44https://twitter.com/EvilGeniuses/status/1462851093621264385
Our Master Plan to domination is nearly complete with @Inspiredlol taking
control of the Jungle.
We believe with his skill, determination, and hunger, he is the perfect
player to take our roster to the Worlds stage.
Welcome to the team Kacper!
如同先前的乳摸,前 RGE 打野 Inspired 加入 Evil Geninuses
RGE 官方推特也发了离队消息
Farewell, @Inspiredlol
From winning Ultraliga to taking home an #LEC MVP, you will ALWAYS remain part
of our history and Rogue talent factory. Take good care of him @EvilGeniuses
, he will teach NA about POLSKA GUROM
Thanks for everything @Rogue
Hope we see each other at World
Inspired 表示希望未来能在世界赛上见到彼此