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楼主: AverageLuck (口八口八)   2021-11-18 21:40:52
团队公告,本队替补上路选手 Kartis (黄嘉乐 Kartislol ) 已和我们正式结束队伍合约,感谢 Kartis 这一年来为我们的贡献。
Kartis 自今年赛季以来成为我们的替补上路选手,虽未曾有过上场机会,但在赛场以外的训练等都给予我们不少的帮助,也和我们创造了不少于其他选手的美好回忆。 Kartis 是一位认真努力且毅力过人的选手,我们真心希望未来能在赛场上看见 Kartis 有精彩的表现,也希望 Kartis 能在电竞路上得到不俗的成就。
再度感谢 Kartis 这一年来和我们共度的时光,愿你一切顺遂。
We have parted ways with our substitute Top Laner Kartis(Kartislol). We thank Kartis for his contributions to the team.
Kartis has been a substitute since the start of the season. He played the part of a great teammate and a good friend. We share a lot of good memories together. We wish Kartis the best of luck with his career and we are confident he can go far with his great attitude and incredible skill level.
We thank Kartis once again for being part of the PSG Talon journey! See you on the rift!
作者: NerdXiao1021 (金纸行失火)   2021-11-18 22:15:00
楼上上 PSG老板最近有发影片 说五年要拿到世界冠军好吧没标对人= =反正不可能不玩啦
作者: poiu0987yaaa   2021-11-18 23:54:00
BYG在怎么补强也没救了 少了DOGGO差太多

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