Of 22 teams from around the globe that entered Worlds, only 4 are left. Of the 20 starting lineup players (based on Quarterfinals rosters), 17 are from Korea! No matter how much we see it, we're so proud of our country's players competing on the big stage! We hope you can keep showing them your support! #Worlds2021 #LCKWIN #LCK #WeMakeLegends 在全球各地参加世界赛的 22 支队伍中,只剩下四支队伍。在 20 位先发选手中(以四 强赛的阵容来看),有 17 位选手来自韩国! 不管现在在台面上会看到多少(自己国家的选手),我们都很为在大舞台上竞争的本国选手 感到骄傲!我们希望你们能持续展现你们的支持!
No matter how much we see it 从前后文来看,是说不管现在台面上我们可以看到多少(自己国家的选手)我们依然为在这个大舞台比赛的国家代表选手感到骄傲某种程度算是小编企图安慰0 NA/EU, 且只有3个华人选手的赛区,还有16被淘汰的可怜外卡,但是…总之,欢迎在四强就迎来我们LCK秋季总决赛