[闲聊] Perkz 推特 关于勒布朗换位回去

楼主: y12544 (禾子可可)   2021-10-16 13:08:58
Regarding my 2nd death I was trying. to micro LB clone to spit in @Inspiredlol
face but oh boy
scenes when i realized it was my ult that distorted over the wall
关于我送的第二颗头嘛,当时我试着要操控 LB 的分身往 Inspired 脸上皮
然后我发现我是用 R 过墙
底下留言:据说当你这么做时,你对你的队友大吼“为了 EU”,你能证明吗?
作者: FakerFan10Ys (十年飞粉)   2021-10-16 13:39:00
作者: beatboxa0710 (beatsnake)   2021-10-16 14:03:00

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